I can see what you do in the shadows
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Canvas.setpenopacity(-0.2); const t = new Turtle(); const alpha = 0.15 const mind = 0.5 function subdivide(x1, y1, x2, y2) { let dx = x2 - x1, dy = y2 - y1 let cx = (x1 + x2) / 2, cy = (y1 + y2) / 2 let a = alpha * (Math.random() * 2 - 1) return [cx + a * dy, cy - a * dx] } function draw(x1, y1, x2, y2) { if ((x1 - x2)**2 + (y1 - y2)**2 < mind**2) { t.jump(x1, y1) t.goto(x2, y2) } else { [nx, ny] = subdivide(x1, y1, x2, y2) draw(x1, y1, nx, ny) draw(nx, ny, x2, y2) } } const R1 = 20, R2 = 45 const dphi = Math.PI / 101 / 3 let shift = R2 / 2 for (let phi = 0; phi < 2 * Math.PI; phi += dphi) { draw(R1 * Math.cos(phi) - 50, R1 * Math.sin(phi) - shift, R2 * Math.cos(phi) - 50, R2 * Math.sin(phi) - shift) } for (let phi = 0; phi < 2 * Math.PI; phi += dphi) { draw(R1 * Math.cos(phi) + 50, R1 * Math.sin(phi) - shift, R2 * Math.cos(phi) + 50, R2 * Math.sin(phi) - shift) } const R3 = 1.8 * R2, R4 = 0.5 * R2 let cy = 100 - (100 - R2) / 2 for (let phi = 0; phi < 2 * Math.PI; phi += dphi / 2) { draw(0, cy - shift, R3 * Math.cos(phi), cy + R4 * Math.sin(phi) - shift) } const R5 = R1 / 5 for (let phi = 0; phi < 2 * Math.PI; phi += dphi * 16) { t.jump(-2 * R5 + R5 * Math.cos(phi), 0.8 * R2 - shift + R5 * Math.sin(phi)) t.goto(-2 * R5 + (R5 + 1) * Math.cos(phi), 0.8 * R2 - shift + (R5 + 1) * Math.sin(phi)) t.jump(2 * R5 + R5 * Math.cos(phi), 0.8 * R2 - shift + R5 * Math.sin(phi)) t.goto(2 * R5 + (R5 + 1) * Math.cos(phi), 0.8 * R2 - shift + (R5 + 1) * Math.sin(phi)) } /*const R6 = 110, R7 = 150 for (let phi = 0; phi < 2 * Math.PI; phi += dphi * 4) { draw(R6 * Math.cos(phi), R6 * Math.sin(phi), R7 * Math.cos(phi), R7 * Math.sin(phi)) }*/