Merry Christmas 🏠🌳

Fork of Houses on path 🏠🌳 in christmas style.

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// Forked from "Houses on path 🏠🌳" by markknol

// You can find the Turtle API reference here:

const PATH_PRECISION = .5 

const totalPathPoints = 180;
const totalPathSpiral1 = 0.69; 
const totalPathSpiral2 = 0.13;

let houseWidth = 15;
houseWidth /= PATH_PRECISION;
let houseDistance = 25;
houseDistance /= PATH_PRECISION;
let houseHeight = 14; 
let houseDepth = 10;
houseDepth /= PATH_PRECISION;
const roof = 25;
// 3d depth
const z  = 0.9;

// Global code will be evaluated once.
const turtle = new Turtle();
let path;

let objectId = (Math.random() * 777) | 0;
// The walk function will be called until it returns false.
function walk(i) {
    if (i === 0) {
    // line of the path
    turtle.jump(path[i][0], path[i][1]);
    turtle.goto(path[i+1][0], path[i+1][1]);
    // houses
    if (i > 4 && i % houseDistance === 0 && i + houseWidth+houseDepth < path.length - 1) {
       if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
        if (Math.random()>0.3) drawTree(i+ 5, houseHeight * 0.75);
        if (Math.random()>0.3) drawTree(i+ 5 + houseWidth / 2, houseHeight);
        if (Math.random()>0.3) drawTree(i+ 5 + houseWidth, houseHeight * 0.65);
       } else if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
           drawStar(i + 5, 10 + Math.random() * 15);
           drawStar(i + 20, 10 + Math.random() * 15);
           drawStar(i + 30, 10 + Math.random() * 15);
       } else {
           drawHouse(i, i+15);
        objectId ++;
    return i < path.length - 2;

function drawTree(x, treeHeight) {
    for(let i = -1; i < 2; i+= 2) {
        moveTo(path, x + 1 * dir);
        lineTo(path, x + 1* dir, treeHeight * 0.25);
        lineTo(path, x + 7* dir, treeHeight  * 0.25);
        if (i == -1) lineTo(path, x , treeHeight *2 );

function drawTree(x, treeHeight) {
    moveTo(path, x - 1);
    lineTo(path, x - 1, treeHeight * 0.25);
    lineTo(path, x - 7, treeHeight  * 0.25);
    lineTo(path, x , treeHeight *2 );
    lineTo(path, x + 7, treeHeight  * 0.25);
    lineTo(path, x + 1, treeHeight  * 0.25);
    lineTo(path, x + 1);

function drawStar(x,y) {
    const s = 5;
    const a = 0;
    const t = 10;
    for (let i=0; i<=t; i++) {
        const l = s * (i % 2 ? 1 : .45);
        const x1 = x+Math.cos(a + i/(t/2) * Math.PI)*l;
        const y1 = y+Math.sin(a+i/(t/2)*Math.PI)*l;
        if (i==0) moveTo(path, x1, y1);  
        else lineTo(path, x1, y1);  

function drawHouse(x1,x2) {
    var hasLine = Math.random()>.5;
    var doubleLine = Math.random()>.5;
    var windowHeight = 3;
    // walls
    moveTo(path, x1);
    lineTo(path, x1, houseHeight);
    var roofX = ((x1 + x2) * 0.5) | 0
    lineTo(path, roofX, roof);
    lineTo(path, x2, houseHeight);
    lineTo(path, x2);
    // 3d depth
    line(path, roofX, roof* z, roofX + houseDepth, roof );
    lineTo(path, x2 + houseDepth, houseHeight * z);
    line(path, x2, houseHeight * z, x2 + houseDepth, houseHeight);
    moveTo(path, x2 + houseDepth, houseHeight * z);
    lineTo(path, x2 + houseDepth);
    // wall/roof line
    if (hasLine)  line(path, x1, houseHeight, x2, houseHeight); 
    if (hasLine && doubleLine) {
        line(path, x1, houseHeight-1, x2, houseHeight-1);
        // double line
        line(path, x2, houseHeight * z-1, x2 + houseDepth, houseHeight-1);
    // door
    var doorWidth = 3;
    var doorX = Math.random() > 0.5 ? x1 + 2 : x2 - 2 - doorWidth;
    moveTo(path, doorX);
    lineTo(path, doorX, 5);
    lineTo(path, doorX + doorWidth, 5);
    lineTo(path, doorX + doorWidth);
    // windows
    for(let ii=0;ii<=2;ii++) {
        var x = ii * 3;
        if (Math.random()> 0.5 && 8+windowHeight < houseHeight) {
            moveTo(path, x+x1 + 2, 8);
            lineTo(path, x+x1 + 2, 8+windowHeight);
            lineTo(path, x+x1 + 4, 8+windowHeight);
            lineTo(path, x+x1 + 4, 8);
            lineTo(path, x+x1 + 2, 8);

function getPos(path, x, y = 0) {
    var idx = (x/PATH_PRECISION)|0;
    var t = x - (idx * PATH_PRECISION); // 10.34 - 10 = 0.34
    idx *= PATH_PRECISION;
    idx = idx|0;
    var p1 = path[idx+1];
    var p2 = path[idx];
    var p3 = path[idx-1];
    var a1 = angle(p2, p1);
    var a2 = angle(p3, p1);
    // TODO: fix this interpolation somehow..
    var xx1 = lerp(p2[0], p1[0], t);
    var yy1 = lerp(p2[1], p1[1], t);
    var a = lerpAngle(a1,a2,t) - Math.PI*0.5;
    return [xx1 + Math.cos(a) * y, yy1 + Math.sin(a) * y];
    var a = angle(p3, p1) - Math.PI*0.5;
    return [
        lerp(p1[0], p3[0], t) + Math.cos(a) * x, 
        lerp(p1[1], p3[1], t) + Math.sin(a) * y

function moveTo(path, x, y = 0) {    
    var pos = getPos(path, x, y);
    turtle.jump(pos[0], pos[1]);

function lineTo(path, x, y = 0) {    
    var pos = getPos(path, x, y);
    turtle.goto(pos[0], pos[1]);

function line(path, x1, y1, x2, y2, precision = PATH_PRECISION/2) {
    var xa = Math.min(x1,x2);
    var xb = Math.max(x1,x2);
    for(let x=xa;x<=xb; x+=precision) {
        var t=((xb-x)/(xb-xa));
        if (x==x1) moveTo(path, x, lerp(y1,y2,t));
        else lineTo(path, x, lerp(y1,y2,t));
   //lineTo(path, xx, y2);

function setup(){
    path = createPath();
    path = normalizePath(path, PATH_PRECISION);

// vec2 functions
const equal2=(a,b)=>.001>dist_sqr2(a,b);
const scale2=(a,b)=>[a[0]*b,a[1]*b];
const add2=(a,b)=>[a[0]+b[0],a[1]+b[1]];
const sub2=(a,b)=>[a[0]-b[0],a[1]-b[1]];
const dot2=(a,b)=>a[0]*b[0]+a[1]*b[1];
const dist_sqr2=(a,b)=>(a[0]-b[0])*(a[0]-b[0])+(a[1]-b[1])*(a[1]-b[1]);
const dist=(a,b)=>Math.sqrt(dist_sqr2(a,b));
const angle=(a,b)=>Math.atan2(b[1]-a[1], b[0]-a[0]);
const center=(a,b)=>[(a[0]+b[0])/2,(a[1]+b[1])/2];
const lerp=(a,b,t)=>a+(b-a)*t;
const clone=(a)=>[a[0],a[1]];
const clamp01=(t)=>Math.min(1.0,Math.max(0.0,t));
const randomRange=(a,b)=>a+Math.random()*(b-a)
const repeat=(t,l)=>t-Math.floor(t/l)*l;
const lerpAngle=(a,b,t) => {
	let val = repeat(b - a, Math.PI*2);
	if (val>Math.PI) val -= Math.PI*2;
	return a + val * clamp01(t);

const createPath = ()=> {
    const path = [];
    const total = totalPathPoints;
    for (let i = 0; i < total; i++) {
        let r = i * totalPathSpiral1;
        path.push([r * Math.cos(i*totalPathSpiral2) + Math.sin(i), r * Math.sin(i*totalPathSpiral2)+ Math.sin(i)]);
    return path;

const normalizePath = (path, minDist) => {
    var newPath = [];
    let d = 0.0
    let prev = path[0];
    for (let i = 1; i < path.length; i++) {
        let curr = clone(path[i]);
        d = dist(prev, curr);
        var a = angle(prev, curr);
        while (d > minDist) {
            prev[0] += Math.cos(a) * minDist;
            prev[1] += Math.sin(a) * minDist;
            d -= minDist;
    return newPath;