I have ported most of "ln, The 3D Line Art Engine" by Fogleman (@FogleBird) to javascript, so it can be used on Turtletoy. Not all code is ported and not all code-paths are tested: probably there are still (a lot of) bugs left.
This Turtle is a port of the example: github.com/fogleman/ln/blob/master/examples/csg.go
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// 3D Line Art Engine: CSG. Created by Reinder Nijhoff 2019 - @reindernijhoff // The MIT License // // https://turtletoy.net/turtle/1716c398e1 // // I have ported most of "ln, The 3D Line Art Engine"[1] by Fogleman (@FogleBird) to javascript, so // it can be used on Turtletoy. Not all code is ported and not all code-paths are tested: // probably there are still (a lot of) bugs left. // // This Turtle is a port of the example: https://github.com/fogleman/ln/blob/master/examples/csg.go // // [1] https://github.com/fogleman/ln // const DRAW_HIDDEN_LINES = false; const turtle = new Turtle(); let paths, scene; function walk(i) { const eye = new Vector(0, 6, 2); const center = new Vector(0, 0, 0); const up = new Vector(0, 0, 1); const width = 190.0; const height = 190.0; const fovy = 20.0; const znear = 0.1; const zfar = 100.0; const step = 0.01; // how finely to chop the paths for visibility testing if (i==0) { Cube.prototype.Paths = function() { const x1 = this.Min.X, y1 = this.Min.Y, z1 = this.Min.Z; const x2 = this.Max.X, y2 = this.Max.Y, z2 = this.Max.Z; const paths = new Paths(); for (let i = 0; i <= 30; i++) { const p = i / 30; const x = x1 + (x2-x1)*p; const y = y1 + (y2-y1)*p; paths.Append(new Path([new Vector(x, y1, z1), new Vector(x, y1, z2)])); paths.Append(new Path([new Vector(x, y2, z1), new Vector(x, y2, z2)])); paths.Append(new Path([new Vector(x1, y, z1), new Vector(x1, y, z2)])); paths.Append(new Path([new Vector(x2, y, z1), new Vector(x2, y, z2)])); } return paths; } scene = new Scene(); const m = Rotate(new Vector(0, 0, 1), 1.3); const shape = new BooleanShape(Difference, new BooleanShape(Intersection, new Sphere(new Vector(0,0,0), 1), new Cube(new Vector(-0.8, -0.8, -0.8), new Vector(0.8, 0.8, 0.8)), ), new Cylinder(0.4, -2, 2), new TransformedShape(new Cylinder(0.4, -2, 2), Rotate(new Vector(1, 0, 0), Radians(90))), new TransformedShape(new Cylinder(0.4, -2, 2), Rotate(new Vector(0, 1, 0), Radians(90))), ); scene.Add(new TransformedShape(shape, m)); } paths = scene.Render(eye, center, up, width, height, fovy, znear, zfar, step, i); if (paths) { for (let k=0; k<paths.v.length; k++) { const path = paths.v[k]; turtle.penup(); turtle.goto(path.v[0].X, path.v[0].Y); turtle.pendown(); for (let j=1; j<path.v.length; j++) { turtle.goto(path.v[j].X, path.v[j].Y); } } return true; } else { return false; } } // // https://github.com/fogleman/ln/blob/master/ln/util.go // const Radians = (degrees) => degrees * Math.PI / 180; const Degrees = (radians) => radians * 180 / Math.PI; const Median = (items) => { let n = items.length; if (n == 0) { return 0; } else if (n%2 == 1) { return items[n/2]; } else { const a = items[n/2-1]; const b = items[n/2]; return (a + b) / 2; } } const INF = 1e9; const EPS = 1e-9; // // https://github.com/fogleman/ln/blob/master/ln/axis.go // const AxisNone = -1; const AxisX = 0; const AxisY = 1; const AxisZ = 2; // // https://github.com/fogleman/ln/blob/master/ln/vector.go // class Vector { constructor(x, y, z) { this.X = x; this.Y = y; this.Z = z; } RandomUnitVector() { let x, y, z; do { x = Math.ranomd()*2 - 1; y = Math.ranomd()*2 - 1; z = Math.ranomd()*2 - 1; } while (x*x+y*y+z*z > 1); return new Vector(x, y, z).Normalize(); } Length() { return Math.sqrt(this.X*this.X + this.Y*this.Y + this.Z*this.Z); } Distance(b) { return this.Sub(b).Length(); } LengthSquared() { return this.X*this.X + this.Y*this.Y + this.Z*this.Z; } DistanceSquared(b){ return this.Sub(b).LengthSquared(); } Dot(b) { return this.X*b.X + this.Y*b.Y + this.Z*b.Z; } Cross(b) { return new Vector( this.Y*b.Z - this.Z*b.Y, this.Z*b.X - this.X*b.Z, this.X*b.Y - this.Y*b.X); } Normalize() { return this.MulScalar(1/this.Length()); } Add(b) { return new Vector(this.X + b.X, this.Y + b.Y, this.Z + b.Z); } Sub(b) { return new Vector(this.X - b.X, this.Y - b.Y, this.Z - b.Z); } Mul(b) { return new Vector(this.X * b.X, this.Y * b.Y, this.Z * b.Z); } Div(b) { return new Vector(this.X / b.X, this.Y / b.Y, this.Z / b.Z); } AddScalar(b) { return new Vector(this.X + b, this.Y + b, this.Z + b); } SubScalar(b) { return new Vector(this.X - b, this.Y - b, this.Z - b); } MulScalar(b) { return new Vector(this.X * b, this.Y * b, this.Z * b); } DivScalar(b) { return new Vector(this.X / b, this.Y / b, this.Z / b); } Min(b) { return new Vector(Math.min(this.X, b.X), Math.min(this.Y, b.Y), Math.min(this.Z, b.Z)); } Max(b) { return new Vector(Math.max(this.X, b.X), Math.max(this.Y, b.Y), Math.max(this.Z, b.Z)); } MinAxis() { const x = Math.abs(this.X), y = Math.abs(this.Y), z = Math.abs(this.Z); if (x <= y && x <= z) { return new Vector(1, 0, 0); } else if (y <= x && y <= z) { return new Vector(0, 1, 0); } return new Vector(0, 0, 1); } MinComponent() { return Math.min(Math.min(this.X, this.Y), this.Z); } SegmentDistance(v, w) { const l2 = v.DistanceSquared(w) if (l2 == 0) { return this.Distance(v); } const t = this.Sub(v).Dot(w.Sub(v)) / l2; if (t < 0) { return this.Distance(v); } if (t > 1){ return this.Distance(w); } return v.Add(w.Sub(v).MulScalar(t)).Distance(this); } } // // https://github.com/fogleman/ln/blob/master/ln/matrix.go // class Matrix { constructor(x00, x01, x02, x03, x10, x11, x12, x13, x20, x21, x22, x23, x30, x31, x32, x33) { this.x00=x00, this.x01=x01, this.x02=x02, this.x03=x03; this.x10=x10, this.x11=x11, this.x12=x12, this.x13=x13; this.x20=x20, this.x21=x21, this.x22=x22, this.x23=x23; this.x30=x30, this.x31=x31, this.x32=x32, this.x33=x33; } Translate(v) { return Translate(v).Mul(this); } Scale(v) { return Scale(v).Mul(this); } Rotate(v, a) { return Rotate(v, a).Mul(this); } Frustum(l, r, b, t, n, f) { return Frustum(l, r, b, t, n, f).Mul(this); } Orthographic(l, r, b, t, n, f) { return Orthographic(l, r, b, t, n, f).Mul(this); } Perspective(fovy, aspect, near, far) { return Perspective(fovy, aspect, near, far).Mul(this); } Mul(b) { const m = new Matrix(); m.x00 = this.x00*b.x00 + this.x01*b.x10 + this.x02*b.x20 + this.x03*b.x30; m.x10 = this.x10*b.x00 + this.x11*b.x10 + this.x12*b.x20 + this.x13*b.x30; m.x20 = this.x20*b.x00 + this.x21*b.x10 + this.x22*b.x20 + this.x23*b.x30; m.x30 = this.x30*b.x00 + this.x31*b.x10 + this.x32*b.x20 + this.x33*b.x30; m.x01 = this.x00*b.x01 + this.x01*b.x11 + this.x02*b.x21 + this.x03*b.x31; m.x11 = this.x10*b.x01 + this.x11*b.x11 + this.x12*b.x21 + this.x13*b.x31; m.x21 = this.x20*b.x01 + this.x21*b.x11 + this.x22*b.x21 + this.x23*b.x31; m.x31 = this.x30*b.x01 + this.x31*b.x11 + this.x32*b.x21 + this.x33*b.x31; m.x02 = this.x00*b.x02 + this.x01*b.x12 + this.x02*b.x22 + this.x03*b.x32; m.x12 = this.x10*b.x02 + this.x11*b.x12 + this.x12*b.x22 + this.x13*b.x32; m.x22 = this.x20*b.x02 + this.x21*b.x12 + this.x22*b.x22 + this.x23*b.x32; m.x32 = this.x30*b.x02 + this.x31*b.x12 + this.x32*b.x22 + this.x33*b.x32; m.x03 = this.x00*b.x03 + this.x01*b.x13 + this.x02*b.x23 + this.x03*b.x33; m.x13 = this.x10*b.x03 + this.x11*b.x13 + this.x12*b.x23 + this.x13*b.x33; m.x23 = this.x20*b.x03 + this.x21*b.x13 + this.x22*b.x23 + this.x23*b.x33; m.x33 = this.x30*b.x03 + this.x31*b.x13 + this.x32*b.x23 + this.x33*b.x33; return m; } MulPosition(b) { const x = this.x00*b.X + this.x01*b.Y + this.x02*b.Z + this.x03; const y = this.x10*b.X + this.x11*b.Y + this.x12*b.Z + this.x13; const z = this.x20*b.X + this.x21*b.Y + this.x22*b.Z + this.x23; return new Vector(x, y, z); } MulPositionW(b) { const x = this.x00*b.X + this.x01*b.Y + this.x02*b.Z + this.x03; const y = this.x10*b.X + this.x11*b.Y + this.x12*b.Z + this.x13; const z = this.x20*b.X + this.x21*b.Y + this.x22*b.Z + this.x23; const w = this.x30*b.X + this.x31*b.Y + this.x32*b.Z + this.x33; return new Vector(x / w, y / w, z / w); } MulDirection(b) { const x = this.x00*b.X + this.x01*b.Y + this.x02*b.Z; const y = this.x10*b.X + this.x11*b.Y + this.x12*b.Z; const z = this.x20*b.X + this.x21*b.Y + this.x22*b.Z; return new Vector(x, y, z).Normalize(); } MulRay(b) { return new Ray(this.MulPosition(b.Origin), this.MulDirection(b.Direction)); } MulBox(box) { // http://dev.theomader.com/transform-bounding-boxes/ const r = new Vector(this.x00, this.x10, this.x20); const u = new Vector(this.x01, this.x11, this.x21); const b = new Vector(this.x02, this.x12, this.x22); const t = new Vector(this.x03, this.x13, this.x23); let xa = r.MulScalar(box.Min.X); let xb = r.MulScalar(box.Max.X); let ya = u.MulScalar(box.Min.Y); let yb = u.MulScalar(box.Max.Y); let za = b.MulScalar(box.Min.Z); let zb = b.MulScalar(box.Max.Z); const min = xa.Min(xb).Add(ya.Min(yb)).Add(za.Min(zb)).Add(t); const max = xa.Max(xb).Add(ya.Max(yb)).Add(za.Max(zb)).Add(t); return new Box(min, max); } Transpose() { return new Matrix( this.x00, this.x10, this.x20, this.x30, this.x01, this.x11, this.x21, this.x31, this.x02, this.x12, this.x22, this.x32, this.x03, this.x13, this.x23, this.x33); } Determinant() { return (this.x00*this.x11*this.x22*this.x33 - this.x00*this.x11*this.x23*this.x32 + this.x00*this.x12*this.x23*this.x31 - this.x00*this.x12*this.x21*this.x33 + this.x00*this.x13*this.x21*this.x32 - this.x00*this.x13*this.x22*this.x31 - this.x01*this.x12*this.x23*this.x30 + this.x01*this.x12*this.x20*this.x33 - this.x01*this.x13*this.x20*this.x32 + this.x01*this.x13*this.x22*this.x30 - this.x01*this.x10*this.x22*this.x33 + this.x01*this.x10*this.x23*this.x32 + this.x02*this.x13*this.x20*this.x31 - this.x02*this.x13*this.x21*this.x30 + this.x02*this.x10*this.x21*this.x33 - this.x02*this.x10*this.x23*this.x31 + this.x02*this.x11*this.x23*this.x30 - this.x02*this.x11*this.x20*this.x33 - this.x03*this.x10*this.x21*this.x32 + this.x03*this.x10*this.x22*this.x31 - this.x03*this.x11*this.x22*this.x30 + this.x03*this.x11*this.x20*this.x32 - this.x03*this.x12*this.x20*this.x31 + this.x03*this.x12*this.x21*this.x30); } Inverse() { const m = new Matrix(); const d = this.Determinant(); m.x00 = (this.x12*this.x23*this.x31 - this.x13*this.x22*this.x31 + this.x13*this.x21*this.x32 - this.x11*this.x23*this.x32 - this.x12*this.x21*this.x33 + this.x11*this.x22*this.x33) / d; m.x01 = (this.x03*this.x22*this.x31 - this.x02*this.x23*this.x31 - this.x03*this.x21*this.x32 + this.x01*this.x23*this.x32 + this.x02*this.x21*this.x33 - this.x01*this.x22*this.x33) / d; m.x02 = (this.x02*this.x13*this.x31 - this.x03*this.x12*this.x31 + this.x03*this.x11*this.x32 - this.x01*this.x13*this.x32 - this.x02*this.x11*this.x33 + this.x01*this.x12*this.x33) / d; m.x03 = (this.x03*this.x12*this.x21 - this.x02*this.x13*this.x21 - this.x03*this.x11*this.x22 + this.x01*this.x13*this.x22 + this.x02*this.x11*this.x23 - this.x01*this.x12*this.x23) / d; m.x10 = (this.x13*this.x22*this.x30 - this.x12*this.x23*this.x30 - this.x13*this.x20*this.x32 + this.x10*this.x23*this.x32 + this.x12*this.x20*this.x33 - this.x10*this.x22*this.x33) / d; m.x11 = (this.x02*this.x23*this.x30 - this.x03*this.x22*this.x30 + this.x03*this.x20*this.x32 - this.x00*this.x23*this.x32 - this.x02*this.x20*this.x33 + this.x00*this.x22*this.x33) / d; m.x12 = (this.x03*this.x12*this.x30 - this.x02*this.x13*this.x30 - this.x03*this.x10*this.x32 + this.x00*this.x13*this.x32 + this.x02*this.x10*this.x33 - this.x00*this.x12*this.x33) / d; m.x13 = (this.x02*this.x13*this.x20 - this.x03*this.x12*this.x20 + this.x03*this.x10*this.x22 - this.x00*this.x13*this.x22 - this.x02*this.x10*this.x23 + this.x00*this.x12*this.x23) / d; m.x20 = (this.x11*this.x23*this.x30 - this.x13*this.x21*this.x30 + this.x13*this.x20*this.x31 - this.x10*this.x23*this.x31 - this.x11*this.x20*this.x33 + this.x10*this.x21*this.x33) / d; m.x21 = (this.x03*this.x21*this.x30 - this.x01*this.x23*this.x30 - this.x03*this.x20*this.x31 + this.x00*this.x23*this.x31 + this.x01*this.x20*this.x33 - this.x00*this.x21*this.x33) / d; m.x22 = (this.x01*this.x13*this.x30 - this.x03*this.x11*this.x30 + this.x03*this.x10*this.x31 - this.x00*this.x13*this.x31 - this.x01*this.x10*this.x33 + this.x00*this.x11*this.x33) / d; m.x23 = (this.x03*this.x11*this.x20 - this.x01*this.x13*this.x20 - this.x03*this.x10*this.x21 + this.x00*this.x13*this.x21 + this.x01*this.x10*this.x23 - this.x00*this.x11*this.x23) / d; m.x30 = (this.x12*this.x21*this.x30 - this.x11*this.x22*this.x30 - this.x12*this.x20*this.x31 + this.x10*this.x22*this.x31 + this.x11*this.x20*this.x32 - this.x10*this.x21*this.x32) / d; m.x31 = (this.x01*this.x22*this.x30 - this.x02*this.x21*this.x30 + this.x02*this.x20*this.x31 - this.x00*this.x22*this.x31 - this.x01*this.x20*this.x32 + this.x00*this.x21*this.x32) / d; m.x32 = (this.x02*this.x11*this.x30 - this.x01*this.x12*this.x30 - this.x02*this.x10*this.x31 + this.x00*this.x12*this.x31 + this.x01*this.x10*this.x32 - this.x00*this.x11*this.x32) / d; m.x33 = (this.x01*this.x12*this.x20 - this.x02*this.x11*this.x20 + this.x02*this.x10*this.x21 - this.x00*this.x12*this.x21 - this.x01*this.x10*this.x22 + this.x00*this.x11*this.x22) / d; return m; } } function Identity() { return new Matrix( 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); } function Translate(v) { return new Matrix( 1, 0, 0, v.X, 0, 1, 0, v.Y, 0, 0, 1, v.Z, 0, 0, 0, 1); } function Scale(v) { return new Matrix( v.X, 0, 0, 0, 0, v.Y, 0, 0, 0, 0, v.Z, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); } function Rotate(v, a) { v = v.Normalize(); const s = Math.sin(a); const c = Math.cos(a); const m = 1 - c; return new Matrix( m*v.X*v.X + c, m*v.X*v.Y + v.Z*s, m*v.Z*v.X - v.Y*s, 0, m*v.X*v.Y - v.Z*s, m*v.Y*v.Y + c, m*v.Y*v.Z + v.X*s, 0, m*v.Z*v.X + v.Y*s, m*v.Y*v.Z - v.X*s, m*v.Z*v.Z + c, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1); } function Frustum(l, r, b, t, n, f) { const t1 = 2 * n; const t2 = r - l; const t3 = t - b; const t4 = f - n; return new Matrix( t1 / t2, 0, (r + l) / t2, 0, 0, t1 / t3, (t + b) / t3, 0, 0, 0, (-f - n) / t4, (-t1 * f) / t4, 0, 0, -1, 0); } function Orthographic(l, r, b, t, n, f) { return new Matrix( 2 / (r - l), 0, 0, -(r + l) / (r - l), 0, 2 / (t - b), 0, -(t + b) / (t - b), 0, 0, -2 / (f - n), -(f + n) / (f - n), 0, 0, 0, 1); } function Perspective(fovy, aspect, near, far) { const ymax = near * Math.tan(fovy*Math.PI/360); const xmax = ymax * aspect; return Frustum(-xmax, xmax, -ymax, ymax, near, far); } function LookAt(eye, center, up) { up = up.Normalize(); const f = center.Sub(eye).Normalize(); const s = f.Cross(up).Normalize(); const u = s.Cross(f).Normalize(); const m = new Matrix( s.X, u.X, -f.X, eye.X, s.Y, u.Y, -f.Y, eye.Y, s.Z, u.Z, -f.Z, eye.Z, 0, 0, 0, 1, ); return m.Inverse(); } // // https://github.com/fogleman/ln/blob/master/ln/tree.go // class Tree { constructor(shapes) { this.Box = BoxForShapes(shapes); this.Root = new Node(shapes); this.Root.Split(0); } Intersect(r) { const i = this.Box.Intersect(r); if (i.t2 < i.t1 || i.t2 <= 0) { return NoHit; } return this.Root.Intersect(r, i.t1, i.t2); } } class Node { constructor(shapes) { this.Axis = AxisNone this.Point = 0; this.Shapes = shapes; this.Left = false; this.Right = false; } Intersect(r, tmin, tmax) { let tsplit = 0; let leftFirst = false; switch (this.Axis) { case AxisNone: return this.IntersectShapes(r); case AxisX: tsplit = (this.Point - r.Origin.X) / r.Direction.X; leftFirst = (r.Origin.X < this.Point) || (r.Origin.X == this.Point && r.Direction.X <= 0); case AxisY: tsplit = (this.Point - r.Origin.Y) / r.Direction.Y; leftFirst = (r.Origin.Y < this.Point) || (r.Origin.Y == this.Point && r.Direction.Y <= 0); case AxisZ: tsplit = (this.Point - r.Origin.Z) / r.Direction.Z; leftFirst = (r.Origin.Z < this.Point) || (r.Origin.Z == this.Point && r.Direction.Z <= 0); } let first, second; if (leftFirst) { first = this.Left; second = this.Right; } else { first = this.Right; second = this.Left; } if (tsplit > tmax || tsplit <= 0) { return first.Intersect(r, tmin, tmax); } else if (tsplit < tmin) { return second.Intersect(r, tmin, tmax); } else { const h1 = first.Intersect(r, tmin, tsplit); if (h1.T <= tsplit) { return h1; } const h2 = second.Intersect(r, tsplit, Math.min(tmax, h1.T)); if (h1.T <= h2.T) { return h1; } else { return h2; } } } IntersectShapes(r) { let hit = NoHit; for (const _ in this.Shapes) { const shape = this.Shapes[_]; const h = shape.Intersect(r); if (h.T < hit.T ){ hit = h; } } return hit; } PartitionScore(axis, point) { let left = 0, right = 0; for (const _ in this.Shapes) { const shape = this.Shapes[_]; const box = shape.BoundingBox(); const p = box.Partition(axis, point); if (p.left) { left++; } if (p.right) { right++; } } if (left >= right) { return left; } else { return right; } } Partition(size, axis, point) { const left = [], right = []; for (const _ in this.Shapes) { const shape = this.Shapes[_]; const box = shape.BoundingBox(); const p = box.Partition(axis, point); if (p.left) { left.push(shape); } if (p.right) { right.push(shape); } } return { left, right }; } Split(depth) { if (this.Shapes.length < 8) { return; } const xs = [], ys = [], zs = []; for (const _ in this.Shapes) { const shape = this.Shapes[_]; const box = shape.BoundingBox(); xs.push(box.Min.X); xs.push(box.Max.X); ys.push(box.Min.Y); ys.push(box.Max.Y); zs.push(box.Min.Z); zs.push(box.Max.Z); } xs.sort(); ys.sort(); zs.sort(); const mx = Median(xs), my = Median(ys), mz = Median(zs); let best = Math.floor(this.Shapes.length * 0.85); let bestAxis = AxisNone; let bestPoint = 0.0; const sx = this.PartitionScore(AxisX, mx); if (sx < best) { best = sx; bestAxis = AxisX; bestPoint = mx; } const sy = this.PartitionScore(AxisY, my); if (sy < best) { best = sy; bestAxis = AxisY; bestPoint = my; } const sz = this.PartitionScore(AxisZ, mz); if (sz < best) { best = sz; bestAxis = AxisZ; bestPoint = mz; } if (bestAxis == AxisNone ){ return; } const p = this.Partition(best, bestAxis, bestPoint) this.Axis = bestAxis; this.Point = bestPoint; this.Left = new Node(p.left); this.Right = new Node(p.right); this.Left.Split(depth + 1); this.Right.Split(depth + 1); this.Shapes = false; // only needed at leaf nodes } } // // https://github.com/fogleman/ln/blob/master/ln/shape.go // class TransformedShape{ constructor(shape, matrix) { this.Shape = shape; this.Matrix = matrix; this.Inverse = matrix.Inverse(); } Compile() { this.Shape.Compile(); } BoundingBox() { return this.Matrix.MulBox(this.Shape.BoundingBox()); } Contains(v, f) { return this.Shape.Contains(this.Inverse.MulPosition(v), f); } Intersect(r ) { return this.Shape.Intersect(this.Inverse.MulRay(r)); } Paths() { return this.Shape.Paths().Transform(this.Matrix); } } // // https://github.com/fogleman/ln/blob/master/ln/scene.go // class Scene { constructor() { this.Shapes = []; this.Tree = false; } Compile() { for (const _ in this.Shapes) { const shape = this.Shapes[_]; shape.Compile() } if (!this.Tree) { this.Tree = new Tree(this.Shapes); } } Add(shapes) { if(Array.isArray(shapes)) { this.Shapes = [...this.Shapes, ...shapes]; } else { this.Shapes.push(shapes); } } Intersect(r) { return this.Tree.Intersect(r); } Visible(eye, point) { const v = eye.Sub(point); const r = new Ray(point, v.Normalize()); const hit = this.Intersect(r); return (hit.T >= v.Length()); } Paths(p = -1) { if (p >= 0) { if (p < this.Shapes.length) { return this.Shapes[p].Paths(); } else { return false; } } else { let result = new Paths(); for (const _ in this.Shapes) { const shape = this.Shapes[_]; result.Append(shape.Paths().v); } return result; } } Render(eye, center, up, width, height, fovy, near, far, step, p = -1) { const aspect = width / height; let matrix = LookAt(eye, center, up); matrix = matrix.Perspective(fovy, aspect, near, far); return this.RenderWithMatrix(matrix, eye, width, height, step, p); } RenderWithMatrix(matrix, eye, width, height, step, p = -1) { if (p <= 0) { this.Compile(); } let paths = this.Paths(p); if (!paths) { return false; } if (step > 0) { paths = paths.Chop(step); } paths = paths.Filter(new ClipFilter(matrix, eye, this)); if (step > 0) { paths = paths.Simplify(1e-6); } matrix = Scale( new Vector(-width / 2, -height / 2, 0)); paths = paths.Transform(matrix); return paths; } } // // https://github.com/fogleman/ln/blob/master/ln/ray.go // class Ray { constructor(origin, direction) { this.Origin = origin; this.Direction = direction; } Position(t) { return this.Origin.Add(this.Direction.MulScalar(t)); } } // // https://github.com/fogleman/ln/blob/master/ln/path.go // class Path { constructor(v = []) { this.v = v; } Append(v) { if (Array.isArray(v)) { this.v = this.v.concat(v); } else { this.v.push(v); } } BoundingBox() { let box = new Box(this.v[0], this.v[0]); for (const _ in this.v) { const v = this.v[_]; box = box.Extend(new Box(v, v)); } return box } Transform(matrix) { const result = new Path(); for (const _ in this.v) { const v = this.v[_]; result.Append(matrix.MulPosition(v)); } return result; } Chop(step) { const result = new Path(); for (let i = 0; i < this.v.length-1; i++) { const a = this.v[i]; const b = this.v[i+1]; const v = b.Sub(a); const l = v.Length(); if (i == 0) { result.Append(a); } for (let d = step;d < l; d += step) { result.Append(a.Add(v.MulScalar(d/l))); } result.Append(b); } return result; } Filter(f) { const result = new Paths(); let path = new Path(); for (const _ in this.v) { const v = this.v[_]; const fr = f.Filter(v); if (fr.ok || (DRAW_HIDDEN_LINES && _%8 < 4)) { // show hidden lines path.Append(fr.w); } else { if (path && path.v.length > 1) { result.Append(path); } path = new Path(); } } if (path && path.v.length > 1) { result.Append(path); } return result; } Simplify(threshold) { if (this.v.length < 3) { return this; } const a = this.v[0]; const b = this.v[this.v.length-1]; let index = -1; let distance = 0.0; for (let i = 1; i < this.v.length-1; i++) { const d = this.v[i].SegmentDistance(a, b); if (d > distance) { index = i; distance = d; } } if (distance > threshold) { const r1 = new Path(this.v.slice(0, index+1)).Simplify(threshold); const r2 = new Path(this.v.slice(index)).Simplify(threshold); return new Path([...r1.v.slice(0, r1.v.length-1), ...r2.v]); } else { return new Path([a, b]); } } } class Paths { constructor(v = []) { this.v = v; } Append(v) { if (Array.isArray(v)) { this.v = this.v.concat(v); } else { this.v.push(v); } } BoundingBox() { let box = this.v[0].BoundingBox(); for (const _ in this.v) { const path = this.v[_]; box = box.Extend(path.BoundingBox()); } return box; } Transform(matrix) { const result = new Paths(); for (const _ in this.v) { const path = this.v[_]; result.Append(path.Transform(matrix)); } return result; } Chop(step) { const result = new Paths(); for (const _ in this.v) { const path = this.v[_]; result.Append(path.Chop(step)); } return result; } Filter(f) { const result = new Paths(); for (const _ in this.v) { const path = this.v[_]; result.Append(path.Filter(f).v); } return result; } Simplify(threshold) { const result = new Paths(); for (const _ in this.v) { const path = this.v[_]; result.Append(path.Simplify(threshold)); } return result; } } // // https://github.com/fogleman/ln/blob/master/ln/box.go // class Box { constructor(min, max) { this.Min = min; this.Max = max; } Anchor(anchor) { return this.Min.Add(this.Size().Mul(anchor)); } Center() { return this.Anchor(new Vector(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)); } Size() { return this.Max.Sub(a.Min); } Contains(b) { return this.Min.X <= b.X && this.Max.X >= b.X && this.Min.Y <= b.Y && this.Max.Y >= b.Y && this.Min.Z <= b.Z && this.Max.Z >= b.Z; } Extend(b) { return new Box(this.Min.Min(b.Min), this.Max.Max(b.Max)); } Intersect(r) { let x1 = (this.Min.X - r.Origin.X) / r.Direction.X; let y1 = (this.Min.Y - r.Origin.Y) / r.Direction.Y; let z1 = (this.Min.Z - r.Origin.Z) / r.Direction.Z; let x2 = (this.Max.X - r.Origin.X) / r.Direction.X; let y2 = (this.Max.Y - r.Origin.Y) / r.Direction.Y; let z2 = (this.Max.Z - r.Origin.Z) / r.Direction.Z; if (x1 > x2) { const tmp = x1; x1 = x2, x2 = tmp; } if (y1 > y2) { const tmp = y1; y1 = y2, y2 = tmp; } if (z1 > z2) { const tmp = z1; z1 = z2, z2 = tmp; } const t1 = Math.max(Math.max(x1, y1), z1); const t2 = Math.min(Math.min(x2, y2), z2); return {t1, t2}; } Partition(axis, point) { let left, right; switch (axis) { case AxisX: left = this.Min.X <= point; right = this.Max.X >= point; case AxisY: left = this.Min.Y <= point; right = this.Max.Y >= point; case AxisZ: left = this.Min.Z <= point; right = this.Max.Z >= point; } return {left, right}; } } function BoxForShapes(shapes) { if (shapes.length == 0) { return new Box(); } let box = shapes[0].BoundingBox(); for (const _ in shapes) { const shape = shapes[_]; box = box.Extend(shape.BoundingBox()); } return box; } function BoxForTriangles(shapes) { if (shapes.length == 0) { return new Box(); } let box = shapes[0].BoundingBox(); for (const _ in shapes) { const shape = shapes[_]; box = box.Extend(shape.BoundingBox()); } return box; } function BoxForVectors(vectors) { if (vectors.length == 0) { return new Box(); } let min = vectors[0] let max = vectors[0] for (const _ in vectors) { const v = vectors[_]; min = min.Min(v); max = max.Max(v); } return new Box(min, max); } // // https://github.com/fogleman/ln/blob/master/ln/box.go // class Hit { constructor(shape, T) { this.Shape = shape; this.T = T; } Ok() { return this.T < INF; } Min(b) { if (this.T <= b.T) { return this; } return b; } Max(b) { if (this.T > b.T) { return a; } return b; } } const NoHit = new Hit(false, INF); // // https://github.com/fogleman/ln/blob/master/ln/filter.go // const ClipBox = new Box(new Vector(-1, -1, -1), new Vector(1, 1, 1)); class ClipFilter { constructor(m, eye, scene) { this.Matrix = m; this.Eye = eye; this.Scene = scene; } Filter(v) { const w = this.Matrix.MulPositionW(v); if (!this.Scene.Visible(this.Eye, v)) { return {w, ok: false}; } if (!ClipBox.Contains(w)) { return {w, ok: false}; } return {w, ok: true}; } } // // https://github.com/fogleman/ln/blob/master/ln/triangle.go // class Triangle { constructor(v1, v2, v3) { this.V1 = v1; this.V2 = v2; this.V3 = v3; this.UpdateBoundingBox(); } UpdateBoundingBox() { const min = this.V1.Min(this.V2).Min(this.V3); const max = this.V1.Max(this.V2).Max(this.V3); this.Box = new Box(min, max); } Compile() {} BoundingBox() { return this.Box; } Contains(v, f) { return false; } Intersect(r) { const e1 = this.V2.Sub(this.V1); const e2 = this.V3.Sub(this.V1); const p =r.Direction.Cross(e2); const det = e1.Dot(p); if (det > -EPS && det < EPS) { return NoHit; } const inv = 1 / det; const t = r.Origin.Sub(this.V1); const u = t.Dot(p) * inv; if (u < 0 || u > 1) { return NoHit; } const q = t.Cross(e1); const v = r.Direction.Dot(q) * inv; if (v < 0 || u+v > 1) { return NoHit; } const d = e2.Dot(q) * inv; if (d < EPS) { return NoHit; } return new Hit(t, d); } Paths() { return new Paths([ new Path([this.V1, this.V2]), new Path([this.V2, this.V3]), new Path([this.V3, this.V1])]); } } // // https://github.com/fogleman/ln/blob/master/ln/cube.go // class Cube { constructor(min, max) { this.Min = min; this.Max = max; this.Box = new Box(min, max); } Compile() {} BoundingBox() { return this.Box; } Contains(v, f) { if (v.X < this.Min.X-f || v.X > this.Max.X+f) { return false; } if (v.Y < this.Min.Y-f || v.Y > this.Max.Y+f) { return false; } if (v.Z < this.Min.Z-f || v.Z > this.Max.Z+f) { return false; } return true; } Intersect(r) { let n = this.Min.Sub(r.Origin).Div(r.Direction); let f = this.Max.Sub(r.Origin).Div(r.Direction); const v = n.Min(f); f = n.Max(f); const t0 = Math.max(Math.max(v.X, v.Y), v.Z); const t1 = Math.min(Math.min(f.X, f.Y), f.Z); if (t0 < 1e-3 && t1 > 1e-3) { return new Hit(this, t1); } if (t0 >= 1e-3 && t0 < t1) { return new Hit(this, t0); } return NoHit; } Paths() { const x1 = this.Min.X, y1 = this.Min.Y, z1 = this.Min.Z; const x2 = this.Max.X, y2 = this.Max.Y, z2 = this.Max.Z; const paths = new Paths([ new Path([new Vector(x1, y1, z1), new Vector(x1, y1, z2)]), new Path([new Vector(x1, y1, z1), new Vector(x1, y2, z1)]), new Path([new Vector(x1, y1, z1), new Vector(x2, y1, z1)]), new Path([new Vector(x1, y1, z2), new Vector(x1, y2, z2)]), new Path([new Vector(x1, y1, z2), new Vector(x2, y1, z2)]), new Path([new Vector(x1, y2, z1), new Vector(x1, y2, z2)]), new Path([new Vector(x1, y2, z1), new Vector(x2, y2, z1)]), new Path([new Vector(x1, y2, z2), new Vector(x2, y2, z2)]), new Path([new Vector(x2, y1, z1), new Vector(x2, y1, z2)]), new Path([new Vector(x2, y1, z1), new Vector(x2, y2, z1)]), new Path([new Vector(x2, y1, z2), new Vector(x2, y2, z2)]), new Path([new Vector(x2, y2, z1), new Vector(x2, y2, z2)]), ]); return paths; } } // // https://github.com/fogleman/ln/blob/master/examples/csg.go // const Intersection = 0; const Difference = 1; class BooleanShape { constructor(op, A, B) { this.Op = op; this.A = arguments[1]; this.B = arguments[2]; for (let i=3; i<arguments.length; i++) { this.A = new BooleanShape(op, this.A, arguments[i]); } } Compile() {} BoundingBox() { // TODO: fix this const a = this.A.BoundingBox(); const b = this.B.BoundingBox(); return a.Extend(b); } Contains(v, f) { f = 1e-3; switch (this.Op) { case Intersection: return this.A.Contains(v, f) && this.B.Contains(v, f); case Difference: return this.A.Contains(v, f) && !this.B.Contains(v, -f); } return false; } Intersect(r) { const h1 = this.A.Intersect(r); const h2 = this.B.Intersect(r); const h = h1.Min(h2); const v = r.Position(h.T); if (!h.Ok() || this.Contains(v, 0)) { return h; } return this.Intersect(new Ray(r.Position(h.T+0.01), r.Direction)); } Paths() { let p = this.A.Paths(); p.Append(this.B.Paths().v); return p.Chop(0.01).Filter(this); } Filter(w) { return {w, ok: this.Contains(w, 0)}; } } // // https://github.com/fogleman/ln/blob/master/ln/cylinder.go // class Cylinder { constructor(radius, z0, z1) { this.Radius = radius; this.Z0 = z0; this.Z1 = z1; } Compile() {} BoundingBox() { const r = this.Radius; return new Box(new Vector(-r, -r, this.Z0), new Vector(r, r, this.Z1)); } Contains(v, f) { const xy = new Vector(v.X, v.Y, 0); if (xy.Length() > this.Radius+f) { return false; } return v.Z >= this.Z0-f && v.Z <= this.Z1+f; } Intersect(ray) { const r = this.Radius; const o = ray.Origin; const d = ray.Direction; const a = d.X*d.X + d.Y*d.Y; const b = 2*o.X*d.X + 2*o.Y*d.Y; const c = o.X*o.X + o.Y*o.Y - r*r; const q = b*b - 4*a*c; if (q < 0) { return NoHit; } const s = Math.sqrt(q); let t0 = (-b + s) / (2 * a); let t1 = (-b - s) / (2 * a); if (t0 > t1) { const tmp = t0; t0 = t1; t1 = tmp; } const z0 = o.Z + t0*d.Z; const z1 = o.Z + t1*d.Z; if (t0 > 1e-6 && this.Z0 < z0 && z0 < this.Z1) { return new Hit(this, t0); } if (t1 > 1e-6 && this.Z0 < z1 && z1 < this.Z1) { return new Hit(this, t1); } return NoHit; } Paths() { const result = new Paths(); for (let a = 0; a < 360; a += 10) { const x = this.Radius * Math.cos(Radians(a)); const y = this.Radius * Math.sin(Radians(a)); result.Append(new Path([new Vector(x, y, this.Z0), new Vector(x, y, this.Z1)])); } return result; } } class OutlineCylinder extends Cylinder { constructor(eye, up, radius, z0, z1) { super(radius, z0, z1); this.Eye = eye; this.Up = up; } Paths() { let center = new Vector(0, 0, this.Z0); let hyp = center.Sub(this.Eye).Length(); let opp = this.Radius; let theta = Math.asin(opp / hyp); let adj = opp / Math.tan(theta); let d = Math.cos(theta) * adj; // r := math.Sin(theta) * adj let w = center.Sub(this.Eye).Normalize(); let u = w.Cross(this.Up).Normalize(); const c0 = this.Eye.Add(w.MulScalar(d)); const a0 = c0.Add(u.MulScalar(this.Radius * 1.01)); const b0 = c0.Add(u.MulScalar(-this.Radius * 1.01)); center = new Vector(0, 0, this.Z1); hyp = center.Sub(this.Eye).Length(); opp = this.Radius; theta = Math.asin(opp / hyp); adj = opp / Math.tan(theta); d = Math.cos(theta) * adj; // r = math.Sin(theta) * adj w = center.Sub(this.Eye).Normalize(); u = w.Cross(this.Up).Normalize(); const c1 = this.Eye.Add(w.MulScalar(d)); const a1 = c1.Add(u.MulScalar(this.Radius * 1.01)); const b1 = c1.Add(u.MulScalar(-this.Radius * 1.01)); const p0 = new Path(), p1 = new Path(); for (let a = 0; a < 360; a++) { const x = this.Radius * Math.cos(Radians(a)); const y = this.Radius * Math.sin(Radians(a)); p0.Append(new Vector(x, y, this.Z0)); p1.Append(new Vector(x, y, this.Z1)); } return new Paths([ p0, p1, new Path([new Vector(a0.X, a0.Y, this.Z0), new Vector(a1.X, a1.Y, this.Z1)]), new Path([new Vector(b0.X, b0.Y, this.Z0), new Vector(b1.X, b1.Y, this.Z1)]), ]); } } function NewTransformedOutlineCylinder(eye, up, v0, v1, radius) { const d = v1.Sub(v0); const z = d.Length(); const a = Math.acos(d.Normalize().Dot(up)); let m = Translate(v0); if (a != 0) { const u = d.Cross(up).Normalize(); m = Rotate(u, a).Translate(v0); } const c = new OutlineCylinder(m.Inverse().MulPosition(eye), up, radius, 0, z); return new TransformedShape(c, m); } // // https://github.com/fogleman/ln/blob/master/ln/sphere.go // class Sphere { constructor(center, radius) { this.Center = center; this.Radius = radius; const min = new Vector(center.X - radius, center.Y - radius, center.Z - radius); const max = new Vector(center.X + radius, center.Y + radius, center.Z + radius); this.Box = new Box(min, max); } Compile() {} BoundingBox() { return this.Box; } Contains(v, f) { return v.Sub(this.Center).Length() <= this.Radius+f; } Intersect(r) { const radius = this.Radius; const to = r.Origin.Sub(this.Center); const b = to.Dot(r.Direction); const c = to.Dot(to) - radius*radius; let d = b*b - c; if (d > 0) { d = Math.sqrt(d); const t1 = -b - d; if (t1 > 1e-2) { return new Hit(this, t1); } const t2 = -b + d; if (t2 > 1e-2) { return new Hit(this, t2); } } return NoHit } Paths3() { const paths = new Paths(); for (let i = 0; i < 20000; i++) { let v = RandomUnitVector(); v = v.MulScalar(this.Radius).Add(this.Center); paths.Append(new Path([v, v])); } return paths; } Paths2() { var equator = new Path(); for (let lng = 0; lng <= 360; lng++) { const v = LatLngToXYZ(0, lng, this.Radius); equator.Append(v); } var paths = new Paths(); for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++) { const m = Identity(); for (let j = 0; j < 3; j++) { const v = RandomUnitVector(); m = m.Rotate(v, Math.random()*2*Math.PI); } m = m.Translate(this.Center); paths.Append(equator.Transform(m)); } return paths; } Paths() { const paths = new Paths(); const n = 5; const o = 5; for (let lat = -90 + o; lat <= 90-o; lat += n) { const path = new Path(); for (let lng = 0; lng <= 360; lng++) { const v = LatLngToXYZ(lat, lng, this.Radius).Add(this.Center); path.Append(v); } paths.Append(path); } for (let lng = 0; lng < 360; lng += n) { const path = new Path(); for (let lat = -90 + o; lat <= 90-o; lat++) { const v = LatLngToXYZ(lat, lng, this.Radius).Add(this.Center); path.Append(v); } paths.Append(path); } return paths; } } function LatLngToXYZ(lat, lng, radius) { const latr = Radians(lat); const lngr = Radians(lng); return new Vector( radius * Math.cos(latr) * Math.cos(lngr), radius * Math.cos(latr) * Math.sin(lngr), radius * Math.sin(latr) ); } class OutlineSphere extends Sphere { constructor(eye, up, center, radius) { super(center, radius); this.Eye = eye; this.Up = up; } Paths() { const path = new Path(); const center = this.Center; const radius = this.Radius; const hyp = center.Sub(this.Eye).Length(); const opp = radius; const theta = Math.asin(opp / hyp); const adj = opp / Math.tan(theta); const d = Math.cos(theta) * adj; const r = Math.sin(theta) * adj; const w = center.Sub(this.Eye).Normalize() const u = w.Cross(this.Up).Normalize() const v = w.Cross(u).Normalize() const c = this.Eye.Add(w.MulScalar(d)) for (let i = 0; i <= 360; i++) { const a = Radians(i); let p = c; p = p.Add(u.MulScalar(Math.cos(a) * r)); p = p.Add(v.MulScalar(Math.sin(a) * r)); path.Append(p); } return new Paths([path]); } } // // https://github.com/fogleman/ln/blob/master/ln/function.go // const Above = 0; const Below = 1; class FunctionShape { constructor(func, box, direction) { this.Func = func; this.Box = box; this.Direction = direction; } Compile() {} BoundingBox() { return this.Box; } Contains(v, eps) { if (this.Direction == Below) { return v.Z < this.Func(v.X, v.Y); } else { return v.Z > this.Func(v.X, v.Y); } } Intersect(ray) { const step = 1.0 / 64; const sign = this.Contains(ray.Position(step), 0); for (let t = step; t < 10; t += step) { const v = ray.Position(t); if (this.Contains(v, 0) != sign && this.Box.Contains(v)) { return new Hit(this, t); } } return NoHit } Paths3() { const path = new Path(); const n = 10000 for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { const t = i / n; const r = 8 - Math.pow(t, 0.1)*8; const x = Math.cos(Radians(t*2*Math.PI*3000)) * r; const y = Math.sin(Radians(t*2*Math.PI*3000)) * r; let z = this.Func(x, y); z = Math.min(z, this.Box.Max.Z); z = Math.max(z, this.Box.Min.Z); path.Append(new Vector(x, y, z)); } // return append(f.Paths2(), path) return new Paths([path]); } Paths() { const paths = new Paths(); const fine = 1.0 / 256; for (let a = 0; a < 360; a += 5) { const path = new Path(); for (let r = 0.0; r <= 8.0; r += fine) { let x = Math.cos(Radians(a)) * r; let y = Math.sin(Radians(a)) * r; let z = this.Func(x, y); const o = -Math.pow(-z, 1.4); x = Math.cos(Radians(a)-o) * r; y = Math.sin(Radians(a)-o) * r; z = Math.min(z, this.Box.Max.Z); z = Math.max(z, this.Box.Min.Z); path.Append(new Vector(x, y, z)); } paths.Append(path); } return paths; } Paths1() { const paths = new Paths(); const step = 1.0 / 8; const fine = 1.0 / 64; for (let x = this.Box.Min.X; x <= this.Box.Max.X; x += step) { const path = new Path(); for (let y = this.Box.Min.Y; y <= this.Box.Max.Y; y += fine) { let z = this.Func(x, y); z = Math.min(z, this.Box.Max.Z); z = Math.max(z, this.Box.Min.Z); path.Append(new Vector(x, y, z)); } paths.Append(path); } for (let y = this.Box.Min.Y; y <= this.Box.Max.Y; y += step) { const path = new Path(); for (let x = this.Box.Min.X; x <= this.Box.Max.X; x += fine) { let z = this.Func(x, y); z = Math.min(z, this.Box.Max.Z); z = Math.max(z, this.Box.Min.Z); path.Append(new Vector(x, y, z)); } paths.Append([path]); } return paths } }