Subdivide rectangles either horizontal or vertical until it has reached a minimal size.
- balance1: how much to be splitted from center
- balance2: how much the size should be taken in account for choosing horizontal or vertical split
- balance3: how much chance to stop continuing splitting up
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const turtle = new Turtle(); const balance1 = 0.50; // min=0.0, max=1.0, step=0.01 const balance2 = 0.85; // min=0, max=1, step=0.01 const balance3 = 0.15; // min=0, max=1, step=0.01 const sizeX = 185; // min=50, max=200, step=5 const sizeY = 185; // min=50, max=200, step=5 const minSize = 6; // min=1, max=50, step=0.1 const spacing = 1.5; // min=0, max=10, step=0.1 const shape = 0; // min=0, max=1, step=1 (Square, Square with triangle) const startPos = [-sizeX/2, -sizeY/2]; const areas = [ [0, 0, sizeX, sizeY], ]; function walk(i) { if (i === 0) { for (const area of areas.slice()) { subdivide(area); } } let area = areas.shift(); const a = [area[0], area[1]]; const b = [(area[0] + area[2]), (area[1] + area[3])]; let s = spacing*.5; add2(a, startPos); add2(b, startPos); add2(a, [s,s]); add2(b, [-s,-s]); s = spacing * 2/3; if (shape == 0) { turtle.jump(a[0], a[1]); turtle.goto(b[0], a[1]); turtle.goto(b[0], b[1]); turtle.goto(a[0], b[1]); turtle.goto(a[0], a[1]); } else if (shape == 1) { if (Math.random() > balance1 * balance2 * balance3) { turtle.jump(a[0], a[1]); turtle.goto(b[0] - s, a[1]); turtle.goto(a[0], b[1] - s); turtle.goto(a[0], a[1]); turtle.jump(b[0], a[1] + s); turtle.goto(b[0] , b[1]); turtle.goto(a[0] + s, b[1]); turtle.goto(b[0], a[1]+ s); } else { turtle.jump(a[0], a[1]+s); turtle.goto(b[0]-s, b[1]); turtle.goto(a[0], b[1]); turtle.goto(a[0], a[1]+s); turtle.jump(b[0], b[1]-s); turtle.goto(a[0]+s, a[1]); turtle.goto(b[0], a[1]); turtle.goto(b[0], b[1]-s); } } return areas.length; } Array.prototype.remove = function(item) { var idx; while ((idx = this.indexOf(item)) !== -1) { this.splice(idx, 1); } return this; } function subdivide(area) { const b1 = 1 - balance1; let r = 0.5 - (b1 / 2) + Math.random() * b1 / 2; let verticalSplit = Math.random() > 0.5; if (Math.random() < balance2) verticalSplit = area[2] < area[3] const area1 = verticalSplit ? [area[0], area[1], area[2], area[3]*r] : [area[0], area[1], area[2]*r, area[3]]; const area2 = !verticalSplit ? [area[0] + area[2]*r, area[1], area[2]*(1-r), area[3]] : [area[0], area[1] + area[3]*r, area[2], area[3]*(1-r)]; areas.remove(area); areas.push(area1); areas.push(area2); const minWidth = Math.max(minSize + spacing, spacing); const minHeight = Math.max(minSize + spacing, spacing) if ((area1[2] > minWidth) && (area1[3] > minHeight)) { if (Math.random() > Math.pow(balance3, 3)) subdivide(area1); } if ((area2[2] > minWidth) && (area2[3] > minHeight)) { if (Math.random() > Math.pow(balance3, 3)) subdivide(area2); } } function add2(p, v) { p[0] += v[0]; p[1] += v[1]; return p }