Snakes grow at their heads and tails following a vector field that changes over time. They stop when they hit another snake.
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const RAD = 80; // min=10, max=100, step=1 const N_PARTICLES = 100; // min=10, max=300, step=1 const ITERS = 200; // min=10, max=300, step=1 const STEPSIZE = 1; // min=0.25, max=5, step=0.25 const COLLIDE_DIST = 1.25; // min=0.5, max=5, step=0.5 const OUTER_BOUNDS = 92; // kill particles that exceed this const GROW_HEADS = true; const GROW_TAILS = true; // x and y in the range -100 to 100 // t in the range 0 to ITERS * STEPSIZE const SWIRL = 25; // min=-50, max=50, step=1 let field = (x, y, t) => ({ x: -x/50 + Math.sin(y / 10 + t/50) / 2 - y * SWIRL/1000, y: -y/50 + 1 - t/20 + Math.sin(x/10) / 10 + x* SWIRL/1000, }) //========================================================================= let rand = (min, max) => Math.random() * (max - min) + min; let randInt = (min, max) => Math.floor(rand(min, max)); let remap = (x, oldmin, oldmax, newmin, newmax) => { let t = (x - oldmin) / (oldmax - oldmin); return t * (newmax - newmin) + newmin; } let choose = (arr) => arr[randInt(0, arr.length)]; let dist = (x1, y1, x2, y2) => Math.sqrt((x1-x2) * (x1-x2) + (y1-y2) * (y1-y2)); let len = (p) => dist(0, 0, p.x, p.y); let normalize = (p) => { let length = len(p); if (length === 0) { return {x: 0, y: 0}; } return { x: p.x / length, y: p.y / length, }; } let makeParticle = (x, y, headAlive, tailAlive) => ({ points: [{x:x, y:y}], // [head, ... history ..., tail] headAlive: headAlive, tailAlive: tailAlive, }) let getHead = (particle) => particle.points[0]; let getTail = (particle) => particle.points[particle.points.length-1]; let moveTo = (particle, isHead, x, y) => { let p2 = {x: x, y: y}; isHead ? particle.points.unshift(p2) : particle.points.push(p2); } let moveBy = (particle, isHead, dx, dy) => { let p = isHead ? getHead(particle) : getTail(particle); let p2 = {x: p.x + dx, y: p.y + dy}; isHead ? particle.points.unshift(p2) : particle.points.push(p2); } let FAR = 99999999; let distToTrail = (part1, isHead, part2) => { // closest distance from p1's current head or tail to p2's whole trail if (part1 === part2) { return FAR; } let lowestDist = FAR; let p1 = isHead ? getHead(part1) : getTail(part1); for (let p2 of part2.points) { lowestDist = Math.min(lowestDist, dist( p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y )); } return lowestDist; } let distToAny = (particle, isHead, particles) => { let lowestDist = FAR; for (let p2 of particles) { lowestDist = Math.min(lowestDist, distToTrail(particle, isHead, p2)); } return lowestDist } //========================================================================= // make initial circle of particles console.log('-------------------'); let PARTICLES = []; for (let ii = 0; ii < N_PARTICLES; ii++) { let theta = remap(ii, 0, N_PARTICLES, 0, 2 * Math.PI); let particle = makeParticle( Math.sin(theta) * RAD, Math.cos(theta) * RAD, GROW_HEADS, GROW_TAILS ); PARTICLES.push(particle); } //========================================================================= // iterate through vector field // iterate! for (let iter = 0; iter < ITERS; iter++) { let t = iter * STEPSIZE; let numAlive = 0; //for (let particle of PARTICLES) { for (let rr = 0; rr < N_PARTICLES; rr++) { let particle = choose(PARTICLES); // instead of looping through each particle in the same order each time, // update N particles each iteration (with replacement) // to allow some to get ahead of others if (particle.headAlive) { numAlive += 1; let p = getHead(particle); if (Math.abs(p.x) > OUTER_BOUNDS || Math.abs(p.y) > OUTER_BOUNDS) { particle.headAlive = false; continue; } let force = field(p.x, p.y, t); moveBy(particle, true, force.x * STEPSIZE, force.y * STEPSIZE); if (distToAny(particle, true, PARTICLES) < COLLIDE_DIST) { particle.headAlive = false; } } if (particle.tailAlive) { numAlive += 1; let p = getTail(particle); if (Math.abs(p.x) > OUTER_BOUNDS || Math.abs(p.y) > OUTER_BOUNDS) { particle.tailAlive = false; continue; } let force = field(p.x, p.y, t); moveBy(particle, false, -force.x * STEPSIZE, -force.y * STEPSIZE); if (distToAny(particle, false, PARTICLES) < COLLIDE_DIST) { particle.tailAlive = false; } } } if (numAlive === 0) { console.log('all particles stopped after ' + iter + ' iters'); break; } } //========================================================================= // draw // The walk function will be called until it returns false. let numSegs = 0; for (let particle of PARTICLES) { numSegs += particle.points.length - 1; } console.log('' + numSegs + ' line segments'); Canvas.setpenopacity(1); const turtle = new Turtle(); turtle.pendown(); function walk(ii) { let points = PARTICLES[ii].points; turtle.jump(points[0].x, points[0].y); for (let jj = 1; jj < points.length; jj++) { turtle.goto(points[jj].x, points[jj].y); numSegs += 1; } return ii < PARTICLES.length - 1; }