// based on forresto.github.io/t…rrk5wqwy5pah+dz+af0b
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// You can find the Turtle API reference here: https://turtletoy.net/syntax // based on https://forresto.github.io/turtle-svg/#code/jY7LDoIwEEX3/Yq7LIlIwWCMRFcuXfoDDZliEyimlLow/LsFNUaN0d2cM3ceSYKdlWdIWCp722lP6E6ypFjputamQrCe1sxLi46qhozbk6ncERukecFUb0qnW4PeaMe1IytHjHBhgFZ4KmwhbhpvYcRIo2JqWC7mWX6HrynFX175Ff9n6cAG1rSeDi1fiBkyEazrrRk5WQWY5pah+Dz+aF0B Canvas.setpenopacity(1); // Global code will be evaluated once. const turtle = new Turtle(); // Draw a recursive space-filling curve: const segmentLength = 5; //min=1 max=70 step=1 function unit(iteration) { if (iteration > 0) { unit(iteration - 1); turtle.right(90); unit(iteration - 1); turtle.forward(segmentLength); unit(iteration - 1); turtle.right(90); unit(iteration - 1); } } turtle.penup() turtle.goto(50 * segmentLength /4.42, -50 * segmentLength /4.71); // there must be a better way! turtle.pendown() turtle.right(45); unit(5); turtle.forward(segmentLength ); unit(5);