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Canvas.setpenopacity(1); // THe main variable changing this will result in different patterns let y = 1; // min=1, max=180, step=1 // The amount of times the loop runs const iter = 2500; // min=0, max=2500, step=500 // The scale of the const scale = 1 // min=-1 , max=5 step=1 const turtle = new Turtle(); turtle.penup(); turtle.goto(0, 0); turtle.pendown(); function walk(i) { for (let x=1; x<i; x++){ turtle.forward(.1**scale); // Notable y Values: (1,48,56,80,112,128,160) turtle.right((x*y)%360); // Cubing also produces nice fractals (Comment out last line and uncomment this one) Notable y values: (1,74,96,104,16,176) //turtle.right((y*x**3)%360); } return i<iter; }