An equirectangular projected map of the world (for use in other turtles?). Source image processed with a script to detect x-values for land/see edges per y-value (where y = 0 to 399 representation of longitude values (north-south), and x = 0 to 799 representation of latitude values (west-east)).

const world is an array of 400 arrays of pairs of x-values (defining land from-to per y-value). (x = 0, y = 0) = top left corner.

Source image: commons.wikimedia.or…map_with_nations.svg

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const turtle = new Turtle();
const canvasSize = 200;
const height = 400;
const width = 800;

const ratio = Math.max(width / canvasSize, height / canvasSize);
const diffY = 100 - (height / (2*ratio));

for(var i = diffY; i <= 100; i += .02) {
    turtle.jump(-100, i); turtle.goto(100, i);
    turtle.jump(-100, -i); turtle.goto(100, -i);

// The walk function will be called until it returns false.
function walk(i) {
    var darks = world[Math.floor(i / ratio)];
    var y = (2 * diffY * i / (ratio * height)) - diffY;
    for(var j = 0; j < darks.length; j+=2) {
        turtle.jump( (darks[j] / ratio) - 100, y);
        turtle.goto( (darks[j + 1] / ratio) - 100, y);
    return i < (height * ratio) - 1;

/* A map of the world (for use in other turtles?). Source image processed with a script to detect x-values for land/see edges per y-value (where y = 0 to 399 representation of longitude values (north-south), and x = 0 to 799 representation of latitude values (west-east)).

const world is an array of 400 arrays of pairs of x-values (defining land from-to per y-value). (x = 0, y = 0) = top left corner.

Source image: */
const world = [[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[],[315,339],[222,229,231,236,237,250,253,254,300,313,314,348],[220,263,288,289,301,351],[200,263,272,281,283,286,288,297,302,337,339,346],[198,251,253,255,265,270,271,344,347,352,362,372],[192,197,201,253,254,255,260,261,263,351,353,372],[189,198,201,203,211,222,224,250,252,253,254,348,350,367],[188,203,204,206,209,212,219,245,251,359,443,449,450,452,454,456],[186,207,209,244,252,254,256,361,427,430,433,434,436,440,442,461],[166,171,188,209,212,230,231,237,256,358,425,435,436,443,447,458],[166,176,192,208,210,212,214,215,216,234,247,357,426,447,448,454],[167,179,182,189,193,203,208,233,239,354,427,433,435,446],[151,156,169,171,176,181,183,189,211,232,239,353,431,443],[141,143,149,156,178,180,205,210,212,227,244,358,432,442,630,634],[133,143,204,227,242,361,433,440,626,635],[129,141,156,159,177,179,181,182,186,192,195,196,202,228,243,354,357,360,436,439,547,554,625,639,641,645,646,647],[128,135,143,148,149,150,156,160,174,184,189,192,194