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Willmott squares
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Canvas.setpenopacity(1); let x_freq = 1.1; // min=0, max=10, step=0.1 let y_freq = 12.5; // min=0, max=20, step=0.5 let x_scale = 150; // min=0, max=200, step=10 let y_scale = 25; // min=0, max=200, step=10 // Global code will be evaluated once. const turtle = new Turtle(); turtle.penup(); turtle.goto(-50,-20); turtle.pendown(); const width=195; const height=195; const cubesPerSide=40; const cubeSpacing=width/(cubesPerSide); const cubeSize=width/(cubesPerSide*0.95); const minX=-(width)/2 ; const minY=-(height)/2; // The walk function will be called until it returns false. function walk(i) { for(let y=0;y<cubesPerSide;++y) { for(x=0;x<cubesPerSide;++x) { turtle.penup(); turtle.goto(minX+x*cubeSpacing+cubeSpacing/2,minY+y*cubeSpacing+cubeSpacing/2); // play with these numbers to get new effects! DO IIIIIIT~~~! turtle.setheading( Math.sin(x_freq*x/cubesPerSide)*x_scale +Math.cos(y_freq*(x+y)/cubesPerSide)*y_scale); turtle.forward(cubeSize/2); turtle.right(90); turtle.pendown(); turtle.forward(cubeSize/2); turtle.right(90); turtle.forward(cubeSize); turtle.right(90); turtle.forward(cubeSize); turtle.right(90); turtle.forward(cubeSize); turtle.right(90); turtle.forward(cubeSize/2); } } return false; }