Once you have the code for a Mandelbrot fractal, making the Julia fractal is easy!
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Canvas.setpenopacity(1); const turtle = new Turtle(); turtle.penup(); class ComplexNumber{ constructor(real, im){ this.r = real || 0.0; this.i = im || 0.0; } pow2(){ let a = this.r; let b = this.i; this.r = a * a - b * b; this.i = 2 * (a * b); return this; } len(){ return Math.sqrt(this.r * this.r + this.i * this.i); } times(k){ this.r *= k; this.i *= k; return this; } add(complex){ this.r += complex.r; this.i += complex.i; return this; } } function pixel(i,j){ let k; let x = i / 100; let y = j / 100; let z = new ComplexNumber(x,y); // Here are the fun values to change !!! let c = new ComplexNumber(-0.86,0.2); z.times(1.8); for(k = 0; k < 25; k++){ z = z.pow2().add(c); if(z.len() > 4.0){ break; } } turtle.goto(i, j + 0.6); // Maybe remove the 0.6 for better printing !!! if(z.len() < 3.0 && z.len()){ turtle.pendown(); turtle.goto(i,j); } else { turtle.penup(); } } function walk(i) { let ii = i * 2.6 + 10; pixel(ii % 200 - 100, (ii - ii % 200) / 100 - 100); return i < 75 * 75; }