Random binary subdivision of space, rotated
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// Forked from "Subdivision of space 1" by imakerobots // https://turtletoy.net/turtle/9906b488f3 let angle = 25; // min=1 max=180 step=1 let splits = 5; // min=1 max=20 step=1 // You can find the Turtle API reference here: https://turtletoy.net/syntax Canvas.setpenopacity(1); // Global code will be evaluated once. const turtle = new Turtle(); class Branch { constructor(x0,y0,x1,y1) { this.x0 = x0; this.y0 = y0; this.x1 = x1; this.y1 = y1; } } const root = new Branch(-140,-140,140,140); const tree = []; const rad = radians(angle); // setup the tree tree.push(root); for(i=0;i<splits;++i) { splitTreeRandomly(); } // only methods after this point function radians(degrees) { return degrees * Math.PI / 180; } // returns a value [0...1) biased towards 0.5 function biasedSplit() { return 0.5+(Math.random()-Math.random())/2; } // split one branch and choose the split direction at random. function splitBranchEitherWay(parent) { if( Math.random() > 0.5 ) { // split vertically split = (parent.y1-parent.y0) * biasedSplit() + parent.y0; c0 = new Branch(parent.x0,parent.y0,parent.x1,split); c1 = new Branch(parent.x0,split,parent.x1,parent.y1); } else { // split horizontally split = (parent.x1-parent.x0) * biasedSplit() + parent.x0; c0 = new Branch(parent.x0,parent.y0,split,parent.y1); c1 = new Branch(split,parent.y0,parent.x1,parent.y1); } parent.c0=c0; parent.c1=c1; tree.push(c0,c1); } // split the tree one time at a random branch that does not already have children. function splitTreeRandomly() { index = 0; do { index = Math.floor(Math.random() * tree.length); // check for children } while(tree[index].c0!=null); splitBranchEitherWay(tree[index]); } function rotatePoint(x0,y0) { var x1 = x0 * Math.cos(rad) - y0 * Math.sin(rad); var y1 = x0 * Math.sin(rad) + y0 * Math.cos(rad); return [x1,y1]; } function goto(x0,y0,x1,y1) { var p0 = rotatePoint(x0,y0); var p1 = rotatePoint(x1,y1); turtle.goto( p0[0], p0[1], p1[0], p1[1], ); } // The walk function will be called until it returns false. function walk(i) { for(var i=0;i<tree.length;++i) { var b = tree[i]; turtle.penup(); goto(b.x0,b.y0); turtle.pendown(); goto(b.x1,b.y0); goto(b.x1,b.y1); goto(b.x0,b.y1); goto(b.x0,b.y0); turtle.penup(); } return false; }