Closest lines 🌐

Create x amount points in a grid or shape and add bit of offset to its place. Filter out all points that are in its near attraction distance range, draw lines between those.

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const turtle = new Turtle();
const total = 1000; // min=10, max=5000, step=1
const minDistance = 5; // min=1, max=50, step=1
const maxDistance = 15; // min=1, max=50, step=1
const distort = 2; // min=0, max=20, step=0.1
const shape = 1; // min=1, max=5, step=1 (Random, Columns, Grid, Spiral, Circles)
const random = new Random(shape + total + minDistance + maxDistance + distort * 10);
const opacity = 0.3; // min=0.01, max=1, step=0.01


const points = Array.from({ length: total }, (_, idx) => {
	const distance = random.range(minDistance, maxDistance);
	switch (shape) {
		case 1: {
			return [random.range(-100, 100), random.range(-95, 95), distance];
		case 2: {
			return [Math.round(random.range(-10, 10)) * 10 + random.range(-distort, distort), random.range(-95, 95), distance];
		case 3: {
			return [Math.round(random.range(-10, 10)) * 10 + random.range(-distort, distort), Math.round(random.range(-10, 10)) * 10 + random.range(-distort, distort), distance];
		case 4: {
			let angle = Math.PI + (idx / total) * (Math.PI * 10);
			if (distort) angle += random.range(20 / -distort, 20 / distort);
			const a = 20;
			const b = 2;
			return [(a + b * angle) * Math.sin(angle) + random.range(-distort, distort), (a + b * angle) * Math.cos(angle) + random.range(-distort, distort), distance];
		case 5: {
			let angle = (idx / total) * (Math.PI * 2);
			if (distort) angle += random.range(20 / -distort, 20 / distort);
			const size = (random.range(2, 10) | 0) * 10;
			return [size * Math.sin(angle) + random.range(-distort, distort), size * Math.cos(angle) + random.range(-distort, distort), distance];

function walk(idx) {
	const point = points[idx];
	const closePoints = points.filter((p) => (p[0] - point[0]) * (p[0] - point[0]) + (p[1] - point[1]) * (p[1] - point[1]) < point[2] * point[2]);
	closePoints.forEach((p) => (turtle.jump(point), turtle.goto(p)));
	return idx < points.length - 1;

// Seeded random - Mulberry32
function Random(seed) {
    class Random {
        constructor(seed) { 
            this.seed = seed;
        next() { 
            var t = this.seed += 0x6D2B79F5;
            t = Math.imul(t ^ t >>> 15, t | 1);
            t ^= t + Math.imul(t ^ t >>> 7, t | 61);
            return ((t ^ t >>> 14) >>> 0) / 4294967296;
        range(from, to) {
            var r =;
            return from + (to - from) * r;
        either(a = 0, b = 1, chance = 0.5) {
            return > chance ? a : b;
        shuffle(arr) {
            for (let i = arr.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
                const j = Math.floor( * (i + 1));
                [arr[i], arr[j]] = [arr[j], arr[i]];
            return arr;
    return new Random(seed);