Inspired by notes I made while solving a puzzle.
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// You can find the Turtle API reference here: Canvas.setpenopacity(1); let scale = 2.19;// min=0.1 max=20 step=0.01 let columns = 8;// min = 1 max=100 step=1 let rows = 9;// min = 1 max=100 step=1 let spacing = 18; // min = 1 max=200 step=1 let lines = 1; // min=0, max=1, step=1, (Main, All) let distPow = 1.9; // min = 0.5 max=5 step=0.01 let bend = 3.42;// min=0 max=10 step=0.01 let bendLimit = 3.93;// min=0 max=10 step=0.01 let lineDist = 2.5; // min=0 max=10 step=0.01 // Global code will be evaluated once. const turtle = new Turtle(); const positions = [[0, 0], [1, 0], [2, 0], [0, 1], [1, 1], [2, 1], [0, 2], [1, 2], [2, 2], [1, 3] ]; // 0 1 2 // 3 4 5 // 6 7 8 // 9 const groups = [ [3, 0, 4, 6], [4, 1, 5, 7, 3], [5, 2, 4, 8], [7, 4, 8, 9, 6] ]; const NB = [ [[1, 3], [4]], [[2,4,0],[5,3]], [[5,1],[4]], [[0,4,6],[1, 7]], [[1,5,7,3],[2,8,0,6]], [[2,4,8],[1,7]], [[3,7],[4,9]], [[4,8,9,6],[3,5]], [[5,7],[4,9]], [[7],[6,8]], ]; function i_to_dpos(i, p0) { const p = positions[i]; return [(p[0]-1) * scale + p0[0], (p[1]-1) * scale + p0[1]]; } function edge_id(a, b) { return a < b ? 10 * a + b : 10 * b + a; } function draw_shape(shape) { const p = turtle.pos(); for (var i=0; i<10; i++) { if (shape & (1<<i)) { let p1 = i_to_dpos(i, p); const nbi = NB[i]; let used = []; let hasEdge = false; for (const i2 of nbi[0]) { let p2 = i_to_dpos(i2, p); if (shape & (1 << i2)) { let edgeID = edge_id(i, i2); if (edgeID in used) { continue; } used[edgeID] = true; turtle.jump(p1); turtle.pendown(); turtle.goto(p2); hasEdge = true; } } if (!hasEdge) { for (const i2 of nbi[1]) { let p2 = i_to_dpos(i2, p); if (shape & (1 << i2)) { let edgeID = edge_id(i, i2); if (edgeID in used) { continue; } used[edgeID] = true; turtle.jump(p1); turtle.pendown(); turtle.goto(p2); hasEdge = true; } } } if(!hasEdge) { let r = scale * 0.2; turtle.setheading(0); turtle.jump(p1[0], p1[1]-r); turtle.pendown();; //turtle.forward(scale * 0.3); // * 0.2); } } if (lines > 0 && ((shape & (1<<i)) == 0)) { let p1 = i_to_dpos(i, p); const nbi = NB[i]; let used = []; let hasEdge = false; for (const i2 of nbi[0]) { let p2 = i_to_dpos(i2, p); if ((shape & (1 << i2)) == 0) { let edgeID = edge_id(i, i2); if (edgeID in used) { continue; } used[edgeID] = true; turtle.jump(p1); turtle.pendown(); turtle.goto(p2); hasEdge = true; } } } } } function next_states(state) { let result = []; for (const action of groups) { if (state & (1 << action[0])) { let s2 = state; let tmpBits=[]; for (let i=1; i<action.length; i++) { if (state & (1 << action[i])) { tmpBits.push(1); } else { tmpBits.push(0); } s2 &= ~(1<<action[i]); } tmpBits.push(tmpBits.shift()); for (let i=1; i<action.length; i++) { if (tmpBits[i-1] > 0) { s2 |= (1<<action[i]); } } result.push(s2); } } return Array.from(new Set(result)); } let visited = []; let q = [0x77]; let rc = [0, 0]; let states = []; let states2 = []; function dist(a, b, order) { let i1 = order.indexOf(a); let i2 = order.indexOf(b); let x1 = i1 % columns; let y1 = Math.floor(i1 / columns); let x2 = i2 % columns; let y2 = Math.floor(i2 / columns); let dx = Math.abs(x1-x2); let dy = Math.abs(y1-y2); //return dx+dy; //return dx*dx+dy*dy; let d= Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy) return Math.pow(d, distPow); } function dist_v(a, order) { let res = 0; // for (const n of states[a]) { //console.log(`sd ${a} ${n}`) res += dist(a, n, order); } for (const n of states2[a]) { //console.log(`sd ${a} ${n}`) res += dist(a, n, order); } if (a == 0x77) { // console.log(`zzzzzzdd 0x77 ${res} ${order.indexOf(a)}`); } //console.log(`tmp ${res}`); return res; } function slerp(a, b, t) { return t*b + (1-t)*a; } function xydist(a, b) { let dx = a[0]-b[0]; let dy = a[1]-b[1]; return Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy); } // The walk function will be called until it returns false. function walk(i) { let order = []; visited[0x77] = true; while (q.length > 0) { let s1 = q.shift(); let neighbours = next_states(s1); states[s1] = neighbours; for (const state of neighbours){ if (!(state in states2)) { states2[state]=[]; } states2[state].push(s1); if (visited[state]) { continue; } visited[state] = true; q.push(state); } order.push(s1); } let fillers = -1; while (order.length < rows*columns) { order.push(fillers); states[fillers] = []; states2[fillers] = []; fillers -= 1; } /*for (let i = order.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { let j = Math.floor(Math.random() * (i + 1)); if (j >= i) { j = 0; } let temp = order[i]; order[i] = order[j]; order[j] = temp; }*/ let dst =0; for (let i=0; i<order.length; i++) { //console.log(`wtf ${i} ${order[i]}`); dst += dist_v(order[i], order); } console.log("optimizing --------------") for (let x=0; x<15; x++) { //console.log(`>>>>>>>>> ${x}`); for (let i=0; i<order.length; i++) { for (let j=0; j<order.length; j++) { //console.log(`pos |${i} ${j}| v:${order[i]} ${order[j]}`); let d1 = dist_v(order[i], order) + dist_v(order[j], order); let temp = order[i]; order[i] = order[j]; order[j] = temp; let d2 = dist_v(order[i], order) + dist_v(order[j], order); // console.log(`d1: ${d1} d2:${d2}`); if (d2 >= d1) { let temp = order[i]; order[i] = order[j]; order[j] = temp; } else { // console.log(`tmpswpa ${d1}->${d2} ${i} ${j} ${order[i]} ${order[j]}`); } } } /*let dst2 =0; for (let i=0; i<order.length; i++) { dst2 += dist_v(order[i], order); }*/ //console.log(`opt ${x} ${dst2}`); } console.log("AAAAAAAAAA optim") let index = 0; for (let r=0; r<rows; r++) { for (let c=0; c<columns; c++) { if (index >= order.length) { continue; } let p = [c * spacing - (columns-1)*spacing*0.5, r * spacing - (rows-1)*spacing*0.5]; turtle.jump(p); if (order [index] > 0){ draw_shape(order[index]); //console.log(`N: ${states[order[index]]}`); for (let j=0; j<order.length; j++) { if (states[order[index]].includes(order[j])) { //console.log(`${order[index]} -> ${order[j]}`) if (index == j) { continue; } let c2 = j % columns; let r2 = Math.floor(j/ columns); //console.log(`${order[j]} ${c2} ${r2}`); let p1 = p; let p2 = [c2 * spacing - (columns-1)*spacing*0.5, r2 * spacing - (rows-1)*spacing*0.5]; let dx = p2[0] -p1[0]; let dy = p2[1] -p1[1]; if (Math.abs(r-r2) ==1 && Math.abs(c-c2) == 1) { if (p1[1] < p2[1]) { p1[1] += 2 * scale; } else { p2[1] += 2 * scale; } } turtle.jump(p); for (let t=0; t<1; t += (1.0/128.0)) { let px =slerp(p1[0], p2[0], t); let py =slerp(p1[1], p2[1], t); let shift = bend*scale * (1 - 4 * ((t-0.5)*(t-0.5))) * Math.min(bendLimit, (((Math.abs(dx)+Math.abs(dy)) / spacing)-1)); if (Math.abs(dx) < Math.abs(dy)) { px += shift; } else { py -= shift; } if (xydist(p, [px, py]) < scale*lineDist || xydist(p2, [px, py]) < scale*lineDist ) { turtle.penup(); } else { turtle.pendown(); } turtle.goto(px, py); } turtle.goto(p2); } } } index++; } } return false; } /*function walk(i) { if (q.length <= 0) { return false; } if (rc[1] >= columns) { rc[1] = 0; rc[0] += 1; } if (rc[0] >= rows) { return false; } let s1 = q.shift(); turtle.jump([rc[1] * spacing - (columns-1)*spacing*0.5, rc[0] * spacing - (rows-1)*spacing*0.5]); draw_shape(s1); let neighbours = next_states(s1); for (const state of neighbours){ if (state in visited) { continue; } visited[state] = true; q.push(state); } rc[1] += 1; //turtle.jump(0, 0); //draw_shape(0x77); return true; }*/