2017's total solar eclipse left me with a sense of awe that has never quite faded. I made a feeble attempt to recreate the totality in p5.js, and this turtle is a loose port of that code.
Original: twitter.com/mwcz/status/900546568662773762 & github.com/mwcz/kimo…ods/totality/main.js
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// You can find the Turtle API reference here: https://turtletoy.net/syntax Canvas.setpenopacity(-0.08); // Global code will be evaluated once. const t = new Turtle(); // RNG // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middle-square_method#Middle_Square_Weyl_Sequence_PRNG let x = 0 let w = 0 const s = 0xb5ad4eceda1ce2a9 const max = 2**32 function rand() { x *= x w += s x += w x = x>>32 | x<<32 return x / max + 0.5 } // setup const radius = 38 const maxlen = 300 t.radians() // walk function walk(i) { // move along a circle perimeter t.up() t.goto(0, -25) t.seth(i * rand() + 1.57) t.fd(radius/2) // draw a line tangent to the circle const len = maxlen * rand() t.right(Math.PI/2) t.bk(len/2) t.down() t.fd(len) t.up() return i < 2210 }