Small util to draw ellipses.
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const turtle = new Turtle(); const x = 0; // min=-30, max=30, step=1 const y = 0; // min=-30, max=30, step=1 const radiusX = 50; // min=1, max=100, step=1 const radiusY = 25; // min=1, max=100, step=1 const angle = 0; // min=0, max=6.28, step=0.01 const segments = 25; // min=3, max=100, step=1 const ellipsePoints = ellipse(x, y, radiusX, radiusY, angle, segments); function walk() { // line from center const center = [x,y]; turtle.jump(center); turtle.goto(ellipsePoints[0]); circle(center); // points drawPoints(ellipsePoints); // visualize segments drawDebugCircles(ellipsePoints); } function drawPoints(pts) { let p = pts[pts.length-1]; turtle.jump(p); pts.forEach(p => turtle.goto(p)); } function drawDebugCircles(pts,radius = 0.75) { pts.forEach(p => circle(p, radius)); } function circle(p,radius = 1) { turtle.jump(p[0],p[1]-radius);; } function ellipse(x = 0, y = 0, radiusX = 40, radiusY = 20, angle = 0, segments = 15) { return Array.from({length: segments}, (_, i) => (i / segments) * Math.PI*2).map(ang => ([ x - (radiusY * Math.sin(ang)) * Math.sin(angle) + (radiusX * Math.cos(ang)) * Math.cos(angle), y + (radiusX * Math.cos(ang)) * Math.sin(angle) + (radiusY * Math.sin(ang)) * Math.cos(angle), ])); }