Collect the entire zoo.
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Canvas.setpenopacity(-0.25); const turtle = new Turtle(); const sf = 0.01; const iters = 100000; let x, y, sx, sy, i, j, si, sj, sine, len, l; function walk(i) { x = -110+220*Math.random(); y = -110+220*Math.random(); sx = 0.75-sf*(100+x)*0.2; sy = 0.4+sf*(100+y)*0.15; sine = (Math.sin(-2*Math.E*sx+2*Math.sin(sy)) - Math.cos(1-Math.sqrt(2)*sy+2*Math.cos(sx))) * Math.sin(3*Math.acos(sx)*Math.asin(sy)) * Math.cos(-3*Math.asin(sx)*Math.acos(sy)) turtle.penup(); turtle.goto(x,y); turtle.seth(sine*360+90); turtle.pendown(); len = 8+4*sine; for (l = len; l > 0.5; l/=2) { turtle.forward(l); turtle.left(30*sine); } return i < iters; }