Draws Fibonacci numbers as lines of binary and uses a XOR bit to decide which way to turn after each iteration.
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Canvas.setpenopacity(1); const turtle = new Turtle(); let f0 = [false] let f1 = [true]; function FibonacciBinary(n) { if (n==0) return f0; if (n==1) return f1; const next = []; for (let i = 0; i < f1.length; i++){ if (f0[i] && f1[i]) { next[i+1] = true; // carry } else if (f0[i] || f1[i]) { if (next[i]) { next[i] = false; next[i+1] = true; // carry } else { next[i] = true; } } } f0 = f1; f1 = next; return next; } function walk(i) { const bits = FibonacciBinary(i); let xbit = false; bits.map(bit => { xbit = xbit ^ bit; if (bit) { turtle.pendown(); } turtle.forward(0.05); turtle.penup(); }) if (xbit) { turtle.right(45); } else { turtle.left(90); } return i < 1025; }