
Crude, brute-force homage to one of the early dungeon crawler RPG games.

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// base line-drawing code adapted from:
// "Alfred" by mrspeaker https://turtletoy.net/turtle/ba15abdde7


const turtle = new Turtle();

const bx = 35;
const by = 20;

var lines = [
    // outline
    [-99,-99, 99,-99], // top
    [ 99,-99, 99, 99], // right
    [ 99, 99,-99, 99], // bottom
    [-99, 99,-99,-99], // left
    // back wall
    [-bx,-by, bx,-by], // top
    [ bx,-by, bx, by], // right
    [ bx, by,-bx, by], // bottom
    [-bx, by,-bx,-by], // left
    // right wall
    [ bx,-by, 99,-by-30], // top
    [ bx, by, 99, by+30], // bottom
    // left wall
    [-bx,-by,-99,-by-30], // top
    [-bx, by,-99, by+30], // bottom
    // door 
    [-bx-30,-by+54,-bx-30,-by  ], // left
    [-bx-15,-by+47,-bx-15,-by+5], // right
    [-bx-30,-by,   -bx-15,-by+5], // top
    // ceiling trapdoor
    [-bx+18,-by-15, bx-18,-by-15], // top
    [-bx+23,-by -7, bx-23,-by-7 ], // bottom
    [-bx+18,-by-15,-bx+23,-by-7 ], // side
    [ bx-18,-by-15, bx-23,-by-7 ], // side
    // ladder
    [ bx-27,-by-15, bx-27, by+15], // right
    [ bx-43,-by-15, bx-43, by+15], // left
    [ bx-43, by+ 5, bx-27, by+ 5], // bar
    [ bx-43, by- 9, bx-27, by -9], // bar
    [ bx-43, by-23, bx-27, by-23], // bar
    [ bx-43, by-37, bx-27, by-37], // bar
    [ bx-43, by-51, bx-27, by-51], // bar

function walk(i) {
   const line = lines[i];
    turtle.goto(line[0], line[1]);
    turtle.goto(line[2], line[3])
    return i < lines.length-1;