The perfectly aligned grid appears distorted like a flag in the wind. #illusion
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let size = 20; //min=8, max=50, step=2 let opacity = .45 //min=.1, max=.75, step=.05 Canvas.setpenopacity(opacity); const turtle = new Turtle(); const canvasSize = 200; const gridSize = Math.ceil(canvasSize / size) + (Math.ceil(canvasSize / size) % 2 == 0? 1: 0); var diaSize = size / 4; function drawCell(i) { var col = (i % gridSize) - ((gridSize / 2) | 0); var row = (i / gridSize | 0) - ((gridSize / 2) | 0); var x = (col * size) - (size / 2); var y = (row * size) - (size / 2); var subPattern = [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1]; var color = i % 2 == 0; for(var yy = 0; yy < size; yy += .15) { if(color) { var xx = 0; if(yy < diaSize) { xx = diaSize - yy; } else if(yy > size - diaSize) { xx = yy - (3 * diaSize); } turtle.jump(x + xx, y + yy); turtle.goto(x + size - xx, y + yy); } } for(var k = 0; k < 2; k += opacity) { drawSubcell(x, y, diaSize, subPattern[((i / gridSize | 0) + (i % gridSize)) % subPattern.length]); } } function drawSubcell(x, y, size, isPrimary) { if(isPrimary) { drawCellet(x - (size / 2), y - (size / 2), size / 2); drawCellet(x - (size / 2), y + (size / 2), size / 2); return; } drawCellet(x, y, size / 2); drawCellet(x - size, y, size / 2); } function drawCellet(x, y, size) { for(var i = 0; i < size; i += .15) { turtle.jump(x + i, y - i); turtle.goto(x + size + i, y + size - i); } } function walk(i) { drawCell(i); return i < Math.pow(gridSize, 2) - 1; }