For every circle on the grid the radius is determined by the distance to randomly placed 'gravity' points.
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// You can find the Turtle API reference here: Canvas.setpenopacity(-1); class GridPlot { constructor(gridSize, plotSize = 200, origin = [100, 100]) { this.gridSize = gridSize; this.plotSize = plotSize; this.cellSize = plotSize / gridSize; this.origin = origin; this.count = gridSize * gridSize; } getCenterByIndex(i) { return this.getCenter( i % this.gridSize, i / this.gridSize | 0 ) } getCenter(column, row) { let t = this.getTopLeft(column, row); return [t[0] + (this.cellSize / 2), t[1] + (this.cellSize / 2)]; } getTopLeft(column, row) { return [ (column * this.cellSize) - this.origin[0], (row * this.cellSize) - this.origin[1] ]; } } // Global code will be evaluated once. const turtle = new Turtle(); const gp = new GridPlot(50); const fillPlots = 0 // min=0 max=1 step=1 (Yes, No) const randomSeed = 0; // min=0 max=100 step=.1 // Seedable random number generator by David Bau: !function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i){function j(a){var b,c=a.length,e=this,f=0,g=e.i=e.j=0,h=e.S=[];for(c||(a=[c++]);d>f;)h[f]=f++;for(f=0;d>f;f++)h[f]=h[g=s&g+a[f%c]+(b=h[f])],h[g]=b;(e.g=function(a){for(var b,c=0,f=e.i,g=e.j,h=e.S;a--;)b=h[f=s&f+1],c=c*d+h[s&(h[f]=h[g=s&g+b])+(h[g]=b)];return e.i=f,e.j=g,c})(d)}function k(a,b){var c,d=[],e=typeof a;if(b&&"object"==e)for(c in a)try{d.push(k(a[c],b-1))}catch(f){}return d.length?d:"string"==e?a:a+"\0"}function l(a,b){for(var c,d=a+"",e=0;e<d.length;)b[s&e]=s&(c^=19*b[s&e])+d.charCodeAt(e++);return n(b)}function m(c){try{return o?n(o.randomBytes(d)):(a.crypto.getRandomValues(c=new Uint8Array(d)),n(c))}catch(e){return[+new Date,a,(c=a.navigator)&&c.plugins,a.screen,n(b)]}}function n(a){return String.fromCharCode.apply(0,a)}var o,p=c.pow(d,e),q=c.pow(2,f),r=2*q,s=d-1,t=c["seed"+i]=function(a,f,g){var h=[];f=1==f?{entropy:!0}:f||{};var o=l(k(f.entropy?[a,n(b)]:null==a?m():a,3),h),s=new j(h);return l(n(s.S),b),(f.pass||g||function(a,b,d){return d?(c[i]=a,b):a})(function(){for(var a=s.g(e),b=p,c=0;q>a;)a=(a+c)*d,b*=d,c=s.g(1);for(;a>=r;)a/=2,b/=2,c>>>=1;return(a+c)/b},o,"global"in f?};if(l(c[i](),b),g&&g.exports){g.exports=t;try{o=require("crypto")}catch(u){}}else h&&h.amd&&h(function(){return t})}(this,[],Math,256,6,52,"object"==typeof module&&module,"function"==typeof define&&define,"random"); Math.seedrandom('' + randomSeed); let singularities = []; for(let i = 0; i < Math.floor(Math.random() * 6) + 2; i++) { singularities.push({ position: [ Math.floor((Math.random() * gp.plotSize) - (gp.plotSize / 2)), Math.floor((Math.random() * gp.plotSize) - (gp.plotSize / 2)) ], gravity: .04 + (Math.random() * .04) }); } // The walk function will be called until it returns false. function walk(i) { let p = gp.getCenterByIndex(i); let v = 0; singularities.forEach(function(s) { let d = Math.sqrt(distanceSquared(s.position, p)); v += Math.max(0, (gp.cellSize / 1.7) - (d * s.gravity));//.09)); }); let r = Math.min(gp.cellSize / 1.5, Math.max(v, .1)); for(let rr = r; rr > 0; rr -= fillPlots? r: .2) { // fill turtle.jump(p[0], p[1] - rr);; } // end fill return i < gp.count - 1; } function distanceSquared(p1, p2) { return Math.pow(p1[0] - p2[0], 2) + Math.pow(p1[1] - p2[1], 2); }