clumps of randomness
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Canvas.setpenopacity(1); const turtle = new Turtle(); const MARGIN = 15; // min=0, max=50, step=1 const COUNT_PER_ROW=5; // min=1, max=25, step=1 const MIN_POINTS = 15; // min=4, max=100, step=1 const MAX_POINTS = 80; // min=4, max=100, step=1 const SIZE=200, BOX_SIZE = (SIZE - (MARGIN * (COUNT_PER_ROW + 1))) / COUNT_PER_ROW, MBOX_SIZE = BOX_SIZE + MARGIN, CENTER=SIZE / 2; turtle.jump(MARGIN - CENTER, MARGIN - CENTER); turtle.pendown(); const goto = (x, y) => turtle.goto(x - CENTER, y - CENTER); const rand = (min, max) => Math.random() * (max - min) + min; let minX=MARGIN, minY=MARGIN; function walk(k) { for(let i=rand(MIN_POINTS, MAX_POINTS) ; i >= 0 ; i--) { const x = rand(minX, minX + BOX_SIZE), y = rand(minY, minY + BOX_SIZE); goto(x, y); } goto(minX + BOX_SIZE / 2, minY + BOX_SIZE / 2); if((k + 1) % COUNT_PER_ROW === 0) { minX += MBOX_SIZE; } else { const isOddRow = ! ((k + 1) / COUNT_PER_ROW & 1); minY = minY + ((isOddRow ? 1 : -1) * MBOX_SIZE); } const notLast = (k + 1) < (COUNT_PER_ROW * COUNT_PER_ROW) notLast && goto(minX + BOX_SIZE / 2, minY + BOX_SIZE / 2); return notLast; }