Polygon code: Rotating shapes
Base code: Willmott squares
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Canvas.setpenopacity(1); let num_sides = 4; // min=2, max=25, step=1 let shapes_per_size = 40; //min=10, max=100, step=5 let base_shift = 0; // min=0, max=360, step=10 let cos_scalar = 100; // min=0, max=360, step=10 let freq_scalar = 10; // min=0, max=360, step=10 // You probably want to use 1, 2, or 100 for this. IE L1, L2, and approx Linfinity let norm = 2; // min=0, max=100, step=2 // Global code will be evaluated once. const turtle = new Turtle(); turtle.radians(); turtle.penup(); turtle.goto(-50,-20); turtle.pendown(); const width=195; const height=195; const shape_spacing=width/(shapes_per_size); const shape_size=width/(shapes_per_size); const minX=-(width)/2 ; const minY=-(height)/2; function draw_poly(x,y,t, c, r, a) { const side = 2*Math.sin(Math.PI/c) * r; t.penup(); t.goto(x,y); t.setheading(a); t.forward(r); t.setheading(a+Math.PI/2); t.pendown(); t.right(Math.PI/c); for (let i=0; i<c; i++) { t.forward(side); t.right(Math.PI*2/c); } } // The walk function will be called until it returns false. function walk(i) { for(let y=0;y<shapes_per_size;++y) { for(x=0;x<shapes_per_size;++x) { x_coord = minX+x*shape_spacing+shape_spacing/2 y_coord = minY+y*shape_spacing+shape_spacing/2 x_norm = Math.pow(x_coord, norm) y_norm = Math.pow(y_coord, norm) // Between 0-1 of how far away it is coord_norm = Math.pow(x_norm+y_norm, 1/norm)/200 angle = base_shift+cos_scalar*Math.cos(coord_norm*freq_scalar) angle = 2*Math.PI*(angle/360) draw_poly(x_coord, y_coord, turtle, num_sides, shape_size/1.5, angle) } } return false; }