This Turtlesnake's glass tends to being half full. #snake
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Canvas.setpenopacity(1); const divs = 40; const extent = 100; const step = 2*extent/divs; const turtle = new Turtle(); let pixels = [...Array(divs)].map(_ => [...Array(divs)].map(_ => false)); turtle.penup(); let x = Math.floor(divs/4+Math.random()*divs/2); let y = Math.floor(divs/4+Math.random()*divs/2); let h = Math.round(Math.random()*4)*90; turtle.goto(x*step-extent/2, y*step-extent/2+step/2); turtle.seth(h); function pixel(opacity) { turtle.goto(-extent+x*step+step/3, -extent+y*step+step/3); turtle.seth(0); turtle.forward(0.5); turtle.right(90); turtle.forward(0.5); turtle.right(90); turtle.pendown(); for (let i = turtle.y()-step; i < turtle.y()+step-2; i+=0.25/opacity) { turtle.forward(step-1); turtle.right(90); turtle.forward(0.125/opacity); turtle.right(90); turtle.forward(step-1); turtle.left(90); turtle.forward(0.125/opacity); turtle.left(90); } turtle.penup(); turtle.seth(h); } function attempt() { const oldx = x; const oldy = y; pixels[x][y] = true; if (h === 270) { y--; } else if (h === 0) { x++; } else if (h === 90) { y++; } else if (h === 180) { x--; } if (x >= divs || x <= 0 || y >= divs || y <= 0) { x = oldx; y = oldy; return false; } if (pixels[x][y]) { x = oldx; y = oldy; return false; } return true; } let attempts = 0; let optimism = 5; let dirfn = turtle.left; function walk(i) { attempts = 0; dirfn = Math.random() ? turtle.left : turtle.right; while (attempts < 3 && !attempt()) { attempts++;, 90); if (optimism < 0) {, 90); } if ((turtle.h()+180)%360 === h) {, 90); } h = Math.round(360+turtle.h())%360; } if (attempts === 3) { pixel(1); return false; } else { pixel(i==0 ? 1 : 0.5); optimism--; if (optimism < 0) { optimism = 5; } } return true; }