Generates art based on the golden ratio.
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Canvas.setpenopacity(-1); const turtle = new Turtle(); turtle.pendown(); const maxElems = 3+Math.floor(Math.random()*4); const PHI = 0.618099; const PHI1 = 1.618099; const w = 200; const h = 200; const chance = 0.125; const rand = (from) => { if (Math.random() < chance) { return from/2; } if (Math.random() < chance) { return from-from*PHI; } if (Math.random() < chance) { return from-from*PHI*PHI; } if (Math.random() < chance) { return from/PHI1; } if (Math.random() < chance) { return from*PHI*PHI; } if (Math.random() < chance) { return from*PHI; } if (Math.random() < chance) { return from*PHI1; } return from; } const randEdge = (edge, offset) => { if (Math.random() < 0.5) { return edge-offset; } if (Math.random() < 0.5) { return 0+offset; } return rand(edge)-offset; } const elems = (() => { let elems = []; while (elems.length < maxElems) { const ew = rand(w); const eh = rand(h); const xedge = randEdge(w, ew); const yedge = randEdge(h, eh); elems.push({ type: Math.random() < 0.8 ? 'rect' : 'circle', x: xedge, y: yedge, w: ew, h: eh, fill: 0.5+Math.round(Math.random()*4)/4, fillAngle: 22.5+22.5*Math.floor(Math.random()*7) }) } return elems; })(); function walk(i) { for (const { type, x, y, w, h, fill, fillAngle } of elems) { if (type === "circle") { turtle.seth(0); for (let i = w-h; i > 0; i-=fill) { turtle.jump((-100+(x === 0 ? x+w-i : x-i)), (-100+y-i));; } } else { turtle.seth(fillAngle); for (let i = 0; i < h; i+=fill) { turtle.jump(-100+x, -100+y+i); turtle.forward(w/Math.cos(Math.PI*fillAngle/180)); } const step = (fill)/Math.sin(Math.PI*fillAngle/180); for (let i = step; i < w; i+=step) { turtle.jump(-100+x+i, -100+y); turtle.forward((w-i)/Math.cos(Math.PI*fillAngle/180)); } } } return false; }