You can catch them in the garden after midnight.
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Canvas.setpenopacity(-0.0125); const turtle = new Turtle(); const iters = 3000; let x = -100+200*Math.random(), y = -100+200*Math.random(), rem = 0.5; let len, l; function walk(i) { y = -100+200*Math.random()*Math.log10(200+x); x = -400/(1+Math.log10(200+y))+100+50*Math.random(); turtle.penup(); turtle.goto(x,y); turtle.pendown(); len = 5+10*Math.random()*rem; for (l = len; l > 1; l*=0.999) { turtle.forward(l); turtle.right(rem*90+60*Math.sin(20*l)); } rem = l; return i < iters; }