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// You can find the Turtle API reference here: https://turtletoy.net/syntax

// Global code will be evaluated once.
const turtle = new Turtle();
class Noise {
	// http://mrl.nyu.edu/~perlin/noise/
	constructor(octaves = 1) {
		this.p = new Uint8Array(512);
		this.octaves = octaves;
		for (let i = 0; i < 512; ++i) {
			this.p[i] = Math.random() * 256;
	lerp(t, a, b) {
		return a + t * (b - a);
	grad2d(i, x, y) {
		const v = (i & 1) === 0 ? x : y;
		return (i & 2) === 0 ? -v : v;
	noise2d(x2d, y2d) {
		const X = Math.floor(x2d) & 255;
		const Y = Math.floor(y2d) & 255;
		const x = x2d - Math.floor(x2d);
		const y = y2d - Math.floor(y2d);
		const fx = (3 - 2 * x) * x * x;
		const fy = (3 - 2 * y) * y * y;
		const p0 = this.p[X] + Y;
		const p1 = this.p[X + 1] + Y;
		return this.lerp(
				this.grad2d(this.p[p0], x, y),
				this.grad2d(this.p[p1], x - 1, y)
				this.grad2d(this.p[p0 + 1], x, y - 1),
				this.grad2d(this.p[p1 + 1], x - 1, y - 1)
	noise(x, y) {
		let e = 1,
			k = 1,
			s = 0;
		for (let i = 0; i < this.octaves; ++i) {
			e *= 0.5;
			s += e * (1 + this.noise2d(k * x, k * y)) / 2;
			k *= 2;
		return s;
const perlin = new Noise(3);
// The walk function will be called until it returns false.
let p = 100 * Math.random();
let ang = 0;
function walk(i) {
    let x = 0;
    let y = 0;
    turtle.goto(x, y);
    do {
        x = turtle.xcor();
        y = turtle.ycor();
        const n = perlin.noise(p + x * 0.02, p + y * 0.02);
		turtle.seth(ang + n * 1368);
    } while (Math.abs(x) < 100 && Math.abs(y) < 100);
    ang += 0.1;
    return ang < 360;