If you'd like fresh ones: Radioactive decay ☢️ (variation)
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Radioactive decay ☢️ (variation)
Radioactive decay ☢️ (variation)
Radioactive decay ☢️ (variation)
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// Global code will be evaluated once. const plottable = 0; //min=0 max=1 step=1 (Nay: give me opacity and pen thickness variation, Yea: less variation but at least I can frame it (be sure to manage intraCircleSpacing) ) const paletteSize = 5; //min=1 max=5 step=1 const gridSize = 5; //min=1 max=10 step=1 const padding = 1; //min=0 max=20 step=1 const border = 2; //min=0 max=30 step=1 const intraCircleSpacing = .5; //min=.2 max=2 step=.1 let maxArc = 1; //min=0 max=1 step=.01 let minArc = .6; //min=0 max=1 step=.01 const maxThickness = 5; //min=1 max=5 step=1 const minimumRadius = 0; //min=0 max=10 step=1 const interDeviation = .25 //min=0 max=1 step=.01 // You can find the Turtle API reference here: https://turtletoy.net/syntax let baleSize = paletteSize Canvas.setpenopacity(plottable == 1? -1: -1/baleSize); const bales = plottable == 1? [new Turtle()]: Array.apply(null,{length: paletteSize}).map(b => new Bale(baleSize--, Slowbro)); maxArc = Math.max(maxArc, minArc); minArc = Math.min(maxArc, minArc); const pi2 = Math.PI * 2; const circleResolution = 50; const rot2 = (a) => [Math.cos(a), -Math.sin(a), Math.sin(a), Math.cos(a)]; const trans2 = (m, a) => [m[0]*a[0]+m[2]*a[1], m[1]*a[0]+m[3]*a[1]]; const grid = new Grid(gridSize, border, padding); // The walk function will be called until it returns false. function walk(i) { const allRot = Math.random() * pi2; for(let j = minimumRadius ; j <= grid.cellSize / 2; j+=intraCircleSpacing) { let turtle = bales[bales.length * Math.random() | 0]; const arc = minArc * pi2 + (Math.random() * pi2 * (maxArc - minArc)); const rot = rot2(allRot + (pi2 * Math.random() * interDeviation)); const cell = grid.getCell(i); turtle.up(); if(plottable == 0) turtle.set('thickness', (Math.random() * (maxThickness - 1) | 0) + 1); for(let k = 0; k <= circleResolution; k++) { const kk = k - circleResolution / 2; turtle.goto(cell.map(trans2(rot, [Math.sin(arc * kk/circleResolution) * j, -Math.cos(arc * kk/circleResolution) * j]), 1)); turtle.down(); } } return i < grid.cellCount - 1; } let t = new Turtle(); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Grid utility code. Created by Jurgen Westerhof 2022 //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function Grid(size, border = 0, cellMargin = 0) { const add2 = (a,b) => [a[0]+b[0],a[1]+b[1]]; const scale2 = (a,b) => [a[0]*b,a[1]*b]; class GridCell { constructor(column, row, position, size) { this.column = column; this.row = row; this.position = position; this.size = size; } map(vector, vectorScalar = this.size/2) { return add2(this.position, scale2(vector, vectorScalar)); } } class Grid { size = 0; border = 0; cellMargin = 0; available = 200; topLeft = [-100,-100]; cellSize = 0; cellCount = 0; constructor(size, border = 0, cellMargin = 0) { this.size = size; this.cellCount = this.size**2; this.border = border; this.cellMargin = cellMargin; this.recalibrate(); } recalibrate() { this.cellSize = (this.available - (2 * Math.max(this.border, this.cellMargin)) - ((this.size - 1) * this.cellMargin)) / this.size; } getCell(i) { const row = i / this.size | 0; const col = i % this.size; return new GridCell(col, row, add2(this.topLeft, [Math.max(this.border, this.cellMargin) + (.5 * this.cellSize) + (col * (this.cellSize+this.cellMargin)), Math.max(this.border, this.cellMargin) + (.5 * this.cellSize) + (row * (this.cellSize+this.cellMargin))]), this.cellSize); } } return new Grid(size, border, cellMargin); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Slowbro utility code. Created by Lionel Lemarie 2021 // Based on Slowpoke by Reinder, which removes most duplicate // lines Slowbro adds optional thickness to the lines //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function Slowbro(x, y) { const linesDrawn = {}; class Slowbro extends Turtle { constructor(x, y) { super(x, y); this.thickness = 1; this.offset = 0.2; this.slowpoke_skip = this.slowpoke_draw = 0; } goto(x, y) { if (Array.isArray(x)) { y = x[1]; x = x[0]; } const ox = this.x(), oy = this.y(); if (this.isdown()) { const p = [x, y], o = [ox, oy]; const h1 = o[0].toFixed(2) + '_' + p[0].toFixed(2) + o[1].toFixed(2) + '_' + p[1].toFixed(2); const h2 = p[0].toFixed(2) + '_' + o[0].toFixed(2) + p[1].toFixed(2) + '_' + o[1].toFixed(2); if (linesDrawn[h1] || linesDrawn[h2]) { super.up(); super.goto(p); super.down(); this.slowpoke_skip++; return; } linesDrawn[h1] = linesDrawn[h2] = true; this.slowpoke_draw++; for (var dx = this.thickness-1; dx >=0 ; dx--) { for (var dy = this.thickness-1; dy >= 0; dy--) { if (!dx && !dy) continue; super.goto( x + dx * this.offset, y + dy * this.offset); super.goto(ox + dx * this.offset, oy + dy * this.offset); } } } super.goto(x, y); } } return new Slowbro(x, y); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Bale utility code - Created by Jurgen Westerhof 2022 // https://turtletoy.net/turtle/7269af8a23 // Modified to be compatible with Slowpoke / Slowbro and set // e.g. thinkness // Abusing the opacity, usage: // Canvas.setpenopacity(1/baleSize); // const bales = Array.apply(null,{length: baleSize}).map(b => new Bale(baleSize--); // Then use bales[x] wherever you would use a turtle object to 'draw' // in 'color' x (i.e Polygon hatching with a bale object and .15 interspacing) //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function Bale(n, turtleClass = null) { class Bale { constructor(n) { this.turtles = Array.apply(null,{length: n}).map(i => turtleClass == null? new Turtle(): new turtleClass()); } back(e) { this.turtles.map(t => t.back(e)); return this; } backward(e) { this.turtles.map(t => t.backward(e)); return this; } bk(e) { this.turtles.map(t => t.bk(e)); return this; } fd(e) { this.turtles.map(t => t.fd(e)); return this; } forward(e) { this.turtles.map(t => t.forward(e)); return this; } left(e) { this.turtles.map(t => t.left(e)); return this; } lt(e) { this.turtles.map(t => t.lt(e)); return this; } right(e) { this.turtles.map(t => t.right(e)); return this; } rt(e) { this.turtles.map(t => t.rt(e)); return this; } seth(e) { this.turtles.map(t => t.seth(e)); return this; } setheading(e) { this.turtles.map(t => t.setheading(e)); return this; } setx(e) { this.turtles.map(t => t.setx(e)); return this; } sety(e) { this.turtles.map(t => t.sety(e)); return this; } setpos(x, y) { this.turtles.map(t => t.setpos(x, y)); return this; } setposition(x, y) { this.turtles.map(t => t.setposition(x, y)); return this; } toradians(e) { this.turtles.map(t => t.toradians(e)); return this; } degrees(e) { this.turtles.map(t => t.degrees(e)); return this; } goto(x, y) { this.turtles.map(t => t.goto(x, y)); return this; } jmp(x, y) { this.turtles.map(t => t.jmp(x, y)); return this; } jump(x, y) { this.turtles.map(t => t.jump(x, y)); return this; } circle(radius, extent, steps) { this.turtles.map(t => t.circle(radius, extent, steps)); return this; } clone() { let b = new Bale(this.turtle.length); this.turtles.map((t, k) => b.turtles[k] = t.clone()); return b; } h() { return this.turtles[0].h(); } heading() { return this.turtles[0].heading(); } home() { this.turtles.map(t => t.home()); return this; } isdown() { return this.turtles[0].isdown(); } pos() { return this.turtles[0].pos(); } position() { return this.turtles[0].position(); } pd() { this.turtles.map(t => t.pd()); return this; } pendown() { this.turtles.map(t => t.pendown()); return this; } penup() { this.turtles.map(t => t.penup()); return this; } pu() { this.turtles.map(t => t.pu()); return this; } down() { this.turtles.map(t => t.down()); return this; } up() { this.turtles.map(t => t.up()); return this; } radians() { this.turtles.map(t => t.radians()); return this; } x() { return this.turtles[0].x(); } xcor() { return this.turtles[0].xcor(); } y() { return this.turtles[0].y(); } ycor() { return this.turtles[0].ycor(); } set(a, x) { this.turtles.map(t => t[a] = x); } get(a) { this.turtles[0][a]; } } return new Bale(n); }