oh christmas tree
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Canvas.setpenopacity(1); const turtle = new Turtle(); turtle.penup(); // put the grid centre in the bottom left (screen is 200x200) const centre_x = -82; const centre_y = 95; turtle.goto(centre_x, centre_y); turtle.pendown(); // size const rows = 5 const cols = 8; // tree dims const num_branches = 8; const tree_height = 42; const gap = tree_height +5; // tessalate turtle.right(90); let idx = 0 for (let row = 0; row < rows; row++) { for (let col = 0; col < cols; col++) { const x = centre_x + col*gap/2; const y = centre_y - row*gap; turtle.goto(x, y); turtle.pendown(); // Flip every other tree const flip = col % 2 === 0 ? 0 : 1; turtle.right(flip * 180); // Draw a tree for (let i = 0; i < num_branches; i++) { const branch_len = tree_height/4 * i / 4; branch(branch_len, 60); turtle.penup(); turtle.forward(Math.floor(tree_height / num_branches)); turtle.pendown(); } // draw stem turtle.forward(Math.floor(tree_height / num_branches)); turtle.backward(tree_height); // move to next turtle.penup(); turtle.goto(x, y); // rotate back to normal turtle.right(flip * 180); idx ++; } } function branch(length, angle){ turtle.penup(); turtle.right(angle); turtle.forward(length); turtle.pendown(); turtle.backward(length); turtle.left(2*angle); turtle.forward(length); turtle.penup(); turtle.backward(length); turtle.pendown(); turtle.right(angle); }